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The meeting

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The meeting Empty The meeting

Post by Okane Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:44 pm

Okane was at the castle in the middle of the field. This castle was where all the rulers would come together and forget the war while they relaxed. He was sitting at a large table with 12 seats. 6 were designed for the ruler while the other 6 were for their personal guard. Today though, Okane left his guard to deal with the war matters. He wanted to have a private talk with this group of people. Hmm. I sent messages to every ruler, except Light Guard Leon, telling them I would like to make a peace treaty. I wonder who will show. The door swung open. Ah hello my friend. Are you the only one that came?


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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:16 pm

Daichi showed up a few seconds after the door swung open, she had left her royal guards and her main guard behind to run the nation while she was away, Daichi looked at the furnishing of the castle, "Nice place...Oh! Sorry, I thought I was the only one here." She was suprised to see a unknown ruler and Okane, the suposed 'Shadow Monarch' Daichi was never to fond of the dark nation, it was so.....Dark....Yeah, that made sense but still. She looked around the large room, "Oi, are we the only ones here?" She said sighing a bit. She walked further into the room exposeing her metal arm, would all of the nations ruler really gather here? It seemed like a trap, ecxept the bait sucked. Daichi sat down on one of the velvet chairs, it was warm and soft. Better than her rock throne that was for sure.

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Cayla Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:35 pm

Cayla stepped through the big oak doors, with a look of pure boredom on her face. She was on her way home from the Fire Nation, and she had heard of the meeting. Sitting down in the blue and white colored chair she sighed a bit and looked up at the Shadow Monarch. Since when are we friends... Your people damn near killed me last time I 'visited'.

She laughed a bit, weakly as she settled into the chair, letting dry blood rub off onto the chair. Hey... is there a Medic around.. feeling kinda woozy... Little Fire attacked me. She looked up as the Earth Queen walked in. She shot her a dirty glance and looked away, not wanting to break the rules of the castle, she just went about her business, waiting for that medic.
Cryo Dragon

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Okane Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:46 pm

Yes there is a medic, she will be here in a second. He was glad. Hmm, these are the exact two I wanted to see. How delightful. He looked between them. By the way, sorry about my men attacking you. They have orders to capture anyone not from the Dark Nation and bring them to me. This would be a good time to announce it. He stood up. Before the others get here, if they do, I would like to say I want to form a treaty with you both. You see if water and earth fuse it makes mud, meaning you both have power. But when I thought harder, a swamp would be nice for all of us. During a battle if our men work together to make the field into a swamp, your men will have control of the battlefield 100% while my men can move up and strike while they are confused at the changing field. He thought to himself. However if they say no....they can use the combo I just told them against every nation. I hope this goes well. He waited for the questions, replies, and demands that were sure to follow.


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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:13 am

Daichi caught Cayla's nasty look, obviously she wasn't fond of Daichi, although Daichi shrugged it off. Daichi was interested in Okane's offer, but it held no real core value, she didn't even know the water nation that well, and last that she heared their ruler was in the fire nations pirson. Daichi shrugged and rubbed on her metal arm a few minutes her eyes closed. She knew it would hold a advantage on the battle field, but pure millitary strength didn't suit Daichi. "You see...I have no real need for more millitary power, and since I don't know the water nation very well, I just don't see the benefits..." Of course that wasn't all, being allyed with the dark nation? That seemed like suicide, they wher known for evil deeds, something Daichi was completely against. But mentioning that would have also been stupid, Daichi could use this knowledge for her own gain, but to use it she needed to ally the water nation, and it had already seemed that she was on Cayla's bad side, Daichi glanced at Cayla. She sighed a bit, this was a akward situation. She was going to wait and see what Cayla's response would be, if it was something like 'No' then she didn't see the deal going anywhere.

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Cayla Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:18 am

Cayla listened to the Rocks words, and they rang with a truth in her ears, that she couldn't remark on. Looking towards the Shadow Monarch she smiled for a moment. Hell No... I'd never team up with you necromancers and dark fools, all you do is just brood in the darkest corner of the planet and kill... why in the hell would I put my people up with you fools? She didn't have manners anymore, 4 years in prison stripped her of those.

She looked at the Earth Queen and nodded a bit, not really feeling the swamp idea but other possibilities. If the earth people could dig tunnels under troops and battalions her people could flood the camps and then freeze them over, killing everyone instantly. They could make snowy mountains and Fortresses, but she was sure that the Earth Queen would decline so she let it die. Where's the Damn Medic! I'm bleeding over here!!
Cryo Dragon

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Okane Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:42 am

He looked away as he was rejected. Your men wouldn't be up with mine. They would be on the front lines while your men shifted the field to their liking. He knew has sure to get rejected the first time. He had backup plans though. This has been a plan failure of epic proportions. He looked back up. Surely there must be some way I can convince you both. As you know the Dark Nation may have little forces but are strong. Also, I have not even stuck anyone yet. I have only set men on my border and killed those who those who attacked them. What is wrong with self-defense? He knew this was true. He had blocked only his borders and has never had his men leave them. The defenses I can offer you are unimaginable! One soldier has held off over a quarter of my borders. I'm sure there has to be some way to convince you.


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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Cayla Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:58 am

Cayla smiled as the medic walked into the room and began tending to her wounds. She looked towards the Monarch before sighing and pushing her blue hair out of her face. She had a dark, near primal look in her eyes. No... Darkness will not reach my soldiers.. and I'd like it if you dropped... utter one more word on this subject... and I won't be able to stay my blades.

She looked away from, trying to focus on her own things. Whats next on the agenda... I'm done with this conversation.. She sighed a bit, moving on to whatever was next.
Cryo Dragon

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by kaiyo Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:55 am

Kaiyo sighed slowly, turning round to stare at the five guards that didn't want to leave her as the small blonde girl smiled. The guards glanced nervously at each other and positioned themselves outside the meeting room doors. Turning once more Kaiyo gently pushed open the large wooden doors and strolled inside, 'Sorry i'm late' she called to the room, taking an empty at the table.

Kaiyo glanced around, glaring at Cayla before her gaze moved onto Daichi and eventually an Unknown ruler. The blonde girl shrugged, stretching her arms out on the table as she smiled. 'You don't hang about do you Cayla'. Kaiyo clenched her fist, keeping eye contact as a momentary silence suspended itself around the table. 'So what did i miss?' she asked, finally breaking her gaze and looking around the table.

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Okane Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:04 pm

Okane was still standing when the Fire Guardian walked in. Hello miss. You are the Fire girl they sent? Nice to meet you, I'm Okane the Shadow Monarch. He watched as she looked around. Your seat is over there. He pointed to the crimson and gold chair. /what you missed is nothing more then a treaty proposal. These two have refused, so as planned I am asking all rulers if they would like a treaty with the Dark Nation. So would like to form one with us? Fire gives light. If light is blocked by a tree or a slab of earth it makes a shadow. Therefor Fire and Dark are an excellent combo!


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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:37 pm

Daichi sighed, although the dark nations borders might have been secure with few men nobody has been attacking them. So saying a quarter of his nation can be secured with one soldier is useless, "Yes...But I happen to know nobody has been attacking you in this war, so it would make sense if you didn't need any men to scure your nation.." Daichi was a bit annoyed at Cayla, she seemed to be a violent woman, "Keep your cool water girl..." She sighed a bit, throwing glances around the room. "Yes, lets move on..." Although being allied with the water nation might have had good value on the battle field, also being allied with the dark nation seemed like a bad combonation. Daichi groaned, it seemed Okane was desperate for a ally, but saying that wouldn't help in any possible future treaty's. "Ah, the fire nation's guardian.." It seemed that Okane had truely called everyone to the peace castle, but their was one question, where was the light nation?

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Cayla Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:46 pm

Cayla blew a kiss at Kaiyo as she sat down, before ignoring Daichi's words. She looked at Kaiyo for a second, before fidgeting in her chair, trying to look behind Kaiyo. Hey... did you get your head fixed... She fell back on her chair laughing quietly. She had seemed to piss off everyone at this table. She remembered a time when she was the most well-mannered person at the table, rarely even speaking. What a waste that was.

The Medic left the room, leaving Cayla alone, with a healed back and a realization. If she were to ally herself with the Earth and Fire Nations, they would be nigh unstoppable. Incorporating what Okane had said. To make the swamp and then light it on fire, would be an instant firebomb, sure death for anyone in it's wake. But the Fire would never join her, not after what had happened this morning.

Don't listen to the Dark one, Kaiyo... his men will serve you no good... just stay by yourself.. or team up with Rocky over here... she'll take care of you.
Cryo Dragon

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by kaiyo Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:10 pm

Kaiyo glanced around the table, she wasn't here for making friends, so she figured her hating the water Nation's witch wouldn't make much of difference. Kaiyo smirked at Cayla, 'What don't you want to team up?' she said innocently. Kaiyo smirked, leaning back slowly in her chair Kaiyo smiled at Daichi, 'Alliance with Earth sounds fine with me'.

Water would be the girl's easiest choice, despite how rude Cayla was, becoming an ally with your greatest weakness and using them to your advantage could never be wrong. Of course flaming boulders of earth was an advantage as well. Laughing as she put her albows on the table the girl finally answered, 'Looks like your everyone's favourite person today Cayla' Turning to the Shadow Monarch Kaiyo tilted her head at the guy, 'So what can Dark offer a Fire?'

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:33 pm

Daichi smirked, "I propose a treaty with the fire nation..If you accept please sign this paper..." Daichi slipped out a knife and a contract detailing the equal help of both nations, Daichi pushed the paper and knife to Kaiyo, she grinned, yes, flameing boulders did sound good, for offense and defense. "If you accept, you must sign the contract in your own blood..."

Last edited by +|Daichi|+ on Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Okane Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:38 pm

Okane already knew that the demands would be made. Seeming how our soldier have no need to eat, sleep, or buy things. We can offer food, defenses, and all the mineral you need. Gold, silver, and bronze are needed in times like this. Okane also had a back up plan. Also, if these do not please you ask and you shall receive. This also goes for you two. He said looking at the Earth and Water ladies. He was hoping to make as much allies as possible. He looked back at the Fire girl. Despite the rumors you might be hearing, we are not that evil. We just want this horrid war to end, that's why we would like allies, to team up and end it once and for all. He looked between the three ladies. Hope this works.


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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:55 pm

Daichi stood up banging her hands against the table as if to say 'No' in a rude manner, as she stood up she yelled out to Okane "You might want to end the war! But your way of doing it is through sin and destruction! I will never let that happen! The only way to gain peace is through trust!" She yelled out showing much emotion, two of the dark warriors walked up to Daichi and placed one of their hands on her shoulder telling her to sit down. Daichi sighed and sat down, she had times where she exploded like this, and it showed just how close to being a brute she was, I....I'm sorry.." She sighed a bit.

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Cayla Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:57 pm

Cayla was point blank ignoring the Dark Leader now, he was starting to annoy her and she couldn't attack him in the castle. She turned away from him and looked towards the other two. Hey you two... how about this... You two.. sign an alliance with me.. The only female leaders in the world and we run the most powerful elements. Raging Fire and Powerful Earth Combined with the Temperamental Oceans... we could end this damned war easily, and then bring peace to this place.. what do you say?

She snatched the Earth Documents from Kaiyo and filled her name in on the spot, throwing it to Kaiyo again. And My soldiers... are healers, we can heal any battle damage, we're stealthy and we have mastery over the colder part of the spectrum. She liked Daichi's outburst, it made her want to be on her team more and more.
Cryo Dragon

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by kaiyo Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:16 pm

Kaiyo smirked at Daichi, she was more of a hot head than she'd expected. The blonde girl shrugged, 'Sure thing just sign the treaty you weren't invited to join' she snapped at Cayla. Quickly spinning a small dagger out from her hip the blonde girl sliced the knife gently along her finger as she sighed the treaty. Kaiyo stared between Daichi and Cayla, 'we should meet elsewhere to talk about the finer agreements and battle plans this treaty involves'. Kaiyo flipped her blade in her hand before placing it safely back at her side, placing the tip of her finger in her mouth.

'Sorry Dark guy, i guess that means your out' she smirked, the guy's army was big and he was right in what he said, he had a lot of supplies. Make a life threatening enemy- check. Kaiyo leant back in her chair, arms up as she yawned, still glaring at Cayla as she spoke in a cold manner, 'So can we leave now or is there something else you need to sign before me'.

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:49 pm

Daichi took the contract and signed it herself, cutting her finger, Daichi grinned and stood up, "My business is done here.." She said walking out of the castle. She laughed a bit as she walked, she had made a federation of sorts. She was now going to set up the finer details, she would send a messanger later to tell the two nations leaders where to go.

*Left Thread*

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Okane Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:00 pm

Okane was in shock. His own plan had backfired. Do as you wish but you will regret not joining me. He walked out of the room for a second looking for his guards. When he found them he said Listen, I want the fastest shadow runner here to go to the Light Nation and demand he go to Peace Castle. Inform him the Fire, Earth, and Water leaders have joined up against us. He walked back in the the room. Now where is that Air king?


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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Leon Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:10 pm

Leon opened the door and entered " Hi Okane, Shadow Monarch " "Well you know my name, have a seat." " Of course I know you ! I know all Nations Rulers, we're in war remember!" Said Leon sitting " Your guard said that Fire;Earth and Water have joined up! thats weird! And I think you want to make an alliance with me right?" " Its true.. well this is the war!" " Ok.. Im good with that! what does the Air king said?"
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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Tsumaru Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:42 pm

Rono walked into the room and leaned against a wall looking down at first with an awkward silence flowing for a second. He then raised his head and smiled slightly looking at the basic male leader of the meeting. "I don't know this war seems fun, why don't we make the best of it?" He said in a joking notion but then got a serious expression vastly on on his face. He walked over to where they were sitting and stood up beside the table and took a seat on the far left away from the other two ladies as well as himself and looked down the table. "So your going to give these things to these people...why....in cost to try to end this war?" He sighed and lowered his head then flashed his white eyes back up to the man and, him alone. "I speak on behalf of my nations safety.....We would like to do everything we can to end this...at all costs. Many people are dying for the petty reasons of others."

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The meeting Empty Re: The meeting

Post by Okane Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:54 pm

In cost to end it? No my friend, I simply wanted more protection and warriors. All I want right now is to acquire land and civilians for my nation. If I must give up some simple materials, so be it! I can always get more. He knew he was starting to sound like the real him. Not caring about others, simply caring about himself. He didn't care though, if he could get more land why should he? Sorry for that. All I need is simply to make allies and destroy enemies. Once the enemies are gone I simply wan to go back to normal. That's why I need you, Leon and Tsumaru, to help destroy this world of war and rebuild a world of peace.


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