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Wind Guardian

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Wind Guardian Empty Wind Guardian

Post by Tsumaru Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:41 pm

Name: Rono


Gender: Male

Hometown: Air Nation

Appearance: (avi) He wears a black hooded coat usually and a white long cloth that flows from his arm. He stands a height of 5'20" and his hair is cold black and his eyes are a the color of a cold black and when he wants or at their own will they will change to a lightened silver color. His fashion is not that of which most people would call light but he isn't goth,or emo at all. He is often mistaken for a a death person but he really is just like any other teen that rules a nation. His smile is warm and forgiving just like any others. His teeth are pearly white and his nails are slightly long and sharp but cuts them they just grow back widely.

Special Characteristics: Kinda crazy

Personality:He's somewhat cold heated at times but that's because people treat him that way because of his appearance. He often fighting and has a short temper. He is funny at times when he wants to be well at least what he thinks is funny.( Which is terrorizing other people for no reason.)


Biography: Rono grew up in the Nation and was taught the ways of the wind as he grew up by his father. One day while the training Rono the wind emperor fell ill to a mysterious ailment. Rono grew up taking care of his father until he was well enough to fend for the nation. Rono met the age of 18 and his father had passed away at the age of 50. Rono didn't know what was wrong with his father but he did know that someone had did something to make him ill. Rono assumed the position as the ruler of the nation, but under a new title. "The Wind Guardian." The position of king or ruler seemed to be inappropriate because no one rules or orders it. Rono dwells deep within the nation focusing his power and then soon will emerge from the depts and make himself know once again to the nation. That he would rule-no lead them with the best of his ability. He would let no harm come to his people.

Sample RP:(Okane is a friend of mine so I'm special... O.o)

Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-08-14

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