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Okane the Shadow Monarch

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Okane the Shadow Monarch Empty Okane the Shadow Monarch

Post by Okane Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:20 pm

Name: Okane Weido


Gender: Male

Hometown: The Hidden City

Appearance(At least a paragraph and include picture):He wears a black jean vest with a red shirt underneath. His hair is curly and length of 6in. He aslo carries a sword with him. He is normally seen in jeans and his vest. The jeans are baggy.

Special Characteristics: none

Personality: He questions himself. He thinks trust is but a tool made for fooling someone else. If he isn't sitting in the throne he's out commanding his Dark Warriors.

Element: Dark

Biography:Okane was born in The Hidden Cite 17 years before the war started. During the first 17 years of his life he did nothing but train to be the best fighter. When the war started his master was killed as he watched sitting under the trap door that was consealed beneith the floor boards. Once the soldiers left Okane buried the body of his master and only friend. That day he swore he would distroy all enemy nations and avenge his masters death. He traveled the nation looking for a group of people wishing to do the same. At age 20 he decided he had no choice but to join the Dark Nation. When he turned 23 he attacked an enemy base camp but was forced to retreat. At age 24 he was told his master was the king before death. Okane wondered why he had hidden this secret from him. Before he could come to a conclusion the man told him that Okane was the only one left that knew his master well enough to be considered family. It was as of this moment he took over the throne.

Sample RP:The sun had just rose as Okane left the cave thinking of the two soldiers he had killed. It was as of this moment he realized there was no turning back. He scaled the mountain side looking for a path he could follow straight back to Space Rift. At the top of the tall mountain however, he didn't find a path but a base camp. Okane scanned the area making sure to check every corner. After he desided that he would strike at sunset where he would he covered by the shadows. He knew he had a couple of hours until sunset so he planned out where the weapon storage was along with the sleeping quarters. He figured if he took out sleeping troops it would be easier. Sunset came and he crept across the shadows until he got to the weapon storage. He put pitfall traps behind the doors so when the soldiers walked in they would fall into the pits. When the traps were done he had to figure that it was 11:00pm. Now he snuck into the quarters. He slit open their necks as he got closer to the door. After making sure all were dead in the bunks he lept out of the door avoiding bullets and killing dozens of soldiers at once. When all of them were dead he found their food storage to stock up. When he was ready to leave he desided a night in a comfy bloodstained bed would be nice for once. He laid down and slowly drifted to sleep....


Posts : 25
Join date : 2009-08-14


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