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In Leon's office

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In Leon's office Empty In Leon's office

Post by Leon Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:33 am

Leon and the Fire Guardian enterd the castle then went to his office. " Please Miss "..." have a seat!" The girl sat on a chair. " So how find our Nation? I hope you like it.." " Yes.. It's very elegant, and my name is Kaiyo" " I'm glad you like it, Miss Kaiyo, now excuse me I'll be right back. Ask the guard if you need something, don't be shy" Leon went out of the room to see how she acts he was watching her without her knowledge of course, wiating her to do something wrong..
Light Dragon/Admin

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In Leon's office Empty Re: In Leon's office

Post by kaiyo Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:42 am

Kaiyo shrugged, calling after the Light Guardian, 'Will do Leon'. So far the girl's plan wasn't going so well, trapped in an office in the enemies Capital City would never be ideal. The blonde girl stretched her arms high above her head, she had her weapons hanging at her hips, hidden by her unusually white cloak. Kaiyo rubed the back of her neck slowly, keeping her eyes straight ahead as she mentally surveryed the room, it wasn't so well fortified, but in a castle surrounded by the Nation's army it didn't need to be.

Kaiyo jumped up to her feet and strolled slowly towards the door. Smiling up at the guard as she spoke, 'I hope you don't mind me asking but, i do need something'. Kaiyo quickly stepped closer to the guards either side of the door, her cape opening in the air behind her as the girl reached for her hybrid weapon. Spinning on the ball of her foot as the fire and ice blades sliced through the guards, dropping them to the ground qith ease like sacks of potatoes, 'I need to leave'. She smiled sweetly, holding her weapon in her right hand as she stood still. The Guards knocked out and bleedin severely either side of her as Kaiyo awaited the next move.

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In Leon's office Empty Re: In Leon's office

Post by Leon Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:11 am

Leon was watching Kaiyo * She's pretty strong, I like that!* Leon used his ability to transform to Light and run in a high speed after her. He took her by her hand " What? you don't like the place, you could just ask to go out you don't have to kill nobody!" Said Leon laughing.. " I can just let you go now.. " Leon shot Kaiyo with a Light ray. *I mustn't show her all my power , I must be careful* Kaiyo stoppt the attack with her weapon ," That's just wonderful! For the first time I'm fighting a strong enemy.. You're good girl , I must say! Now come on show what you got!" The guards arrives " Sir, We.." " Stop,stop..! She's my enemy now you can't beat her anyways.. just let me take care of her.." " Yes, Sir!"
Light Dragon/Admin

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In Leon's office Empty Re: In Leon's office

Post by kaiyo Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:23 am

Kaiyo glanced between the hand holding onto her arm and her opponents eyes. 'I'd really suggest you let go of my arm' she smirked. Kaiyo jumped backwards, skidding along the ground in a controlled manner. 'But i guess i have a bit of spare time to waste on you, but tell you men to leave, i don't need to kill anyone today'. The ice on her blade was leaving a cool mist in the air, the fire at the other blade leaving streams of red as Kaiyo smirked. Sliding her left foot forwards the girl gripped yunaiteddo shukakutentou tightly. Moving her left hand to her hip as she slowly unsheathed her Kaen blade. Kaiyo didn't plan on fighting for too long, the girl simply wanted to asess the situation and leave.

'Take care of me?' Kaiyo's smile widenned, 'Please don't be stupid, the fire Nation could crush you in an instant'. Kaiyo rushed quickly at Leon,slashing an X along his body with her double bladed dagger before stepping her right foot at the side of his body, aiming another swipe iwht her Katana above his hip as she landed behind her target.

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In Leon's office Empty Re: In Leon's office

Post by Leon Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:33 am

Kaiyo started attacking back, she's trying to hit Leon but he transformed to Light and moved away with a big speed. " Hehe.. I'm the faster remember? you need more than that.." Leon started to run around Kaiyo, she can't see anything but the Light. Soudenly Leon jumper taking his sword to hit her on the shoulder * Heck, she's very strong, I need to be careful next time..* Then he started shooting her with many Light rays from his hand " Take that! You still think Fire Nation could crush me in an instant? You need to think again girl " Then he came back running around her " I'm here,no here, no here...! Hahaha!"
Light Dragon/Admin

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In Leon's office Empty Re: In Leon's office

Post by kaiyo Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:42 am

Kaiyo reacted quickly, crossing both her blades to block the attack at her shoulder. The blonde girl sighed as the lgiht spun around her, 'Wow, you can move quickly you should be so proud, because thats enough to win a war' she smirked, quickly sheatjing both her weapons at her hips as she shot her hands out to either side of her body, a steady stream of fire exploding the area around her. Bending her left leg Kaiyo spun around, engulfing the entire room in a crackling fire as she smiled, 'See ya later'.

Kaiyo leapt over the head of a panicking guard, kicking her way through the doors as she made he steady escape from the castle. Slicing her way through any guards that dares get in her way the girl finally neared the large golden wall that signalled the edge of the Light Nation.

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In Leon's office Empty Re: In Leon's office

Post by Leon Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:49 am

Leon made a Light shield around him and the guards to get safe of this fire!
All the area was destroyd *That .... destroyd my castle.. See ya later..*
The guards was trying to go after her but Leon stoppt them "I'm sure we will see her another time..Now one of you call someone to make up this mess." Then he went to his room thinking * That Fire Nation are pretty dangeroues I must amke a plan for them, the big war is soon..*
Light Dragon/Admin

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