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Kuro Crowe, The Diamond Knight

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Kuro Crowe, The Diamond Knight Empty Kuro Crowe, The Diamond Knight

Post by Kuro Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:28 pm

Name:Kuro Crowe

Age: 25


Hometown:Earth Nation

Appearance(At least a paragraph and include picture):

Kuro Crowe, The Diamond Knight Heaven__s_Earth

He has green hair, as well as eyes that have a green aura about them. He is fit, and near the height of 6'4". He tends to wear heavy plate-mail, and carrying a targe and one-handed weapon. The weapons and armor, generally have diamond in them. He has a scar on his right eye, that was from when he was a kid. He fits the knight in shining armor persona (As far as looks go.). Kuro's strong features are only second to his Dashing personality.

Special Characteristics: Loyal beyond reason. If his leader told him to commit treason he would. He will follow his lord to his death. He is also a leader, willing to lead thousands of men on the battlefield.

Personality: He is loyal, and cunning. He is not the type to fall for bargains, or lie to those he serves. He is a fanatic for justice, that is his major joy in life. He upholds the rules above all else. Kuro is also a very stubborn man, good luck getting him to change his mind once he has decided on something.

Rank: Son Of Earth


Biography: Kuro was found in the outskirts of the Earth Nation. Small villagers could not believe a mere baby was surviving in the Earth Nation's forests on his own. They decided to raise the boy as their own, watching him grow into a strong young man. They were impressed by his connection with the Earth, saying that he must have been the Son of Gaia herself.

The boy trained hard and eventually left the village. He joined the Earth Nation's military shooting up in the ranks. Kuro had began collection Diamonds, that he had found throughout his life, and when he became a knight he ingraved the diamonds into his armor and weapons. Across the country tales of a diamond covered knight began to spread like wildfire.

Soon, the knight had an offer to join the head guard. He happily accepted the offer and went to the trial. They took him to a room where he had to fight a captured vigilante from another nation. The criminal he had to fight, had a sword that was lit with flames. The criminal would strike viciously at him, though Kuro did his best to avoid it at all costs. After a few hours of being chased, Kuro realized that he would lose if he kept fighting like that. He knew he had to fight strong, standing his ground as unmovable as a mountain. Kuro stopped moving back and swung up with all of his might. The criminal slashed down the attack Kuro's face, knowing that he would die at that moment. The blade of the criminal slashed down digging into Kuro's face, leaving a nasty gash on the area above and below his right eye. Yet, at the same time Kuro's blade cut through the criminal, leaving two pieces of corpses falling to the ground. Kuro wiped the blood off of his face and grinned, he was in the head guard. Though this was no shock to him, he was Kuro Crowe the Diamond Knight.
Rp Sample:
Kuro sat in the medical room, watching as the nurses calmly wrapped his gashes with bandages. "This will scar sir Kuro. You do not mind do you?" One of the nurses asked politely. Kuro smiled, as his vision began to get cut in half. "No my lady, it was a necessary scar. It was something I had to receive. I am fine with reaping my ramifications. Though, it is very kind of you to worry." Kuro looked down for a moment scratching the back of his head. He just hoped it would heal for the most part soon enough.

Posts : 22
Join date : 2009-08-14

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Kuro Crowe, The Diamond Knight Empty Re: Kuro Crowe, The Diamond Knight

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:51 pm


Posts : 73
Join date : 2009-08-14
Age : 27
Location : Earth Nation.

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