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Takari Squall

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Takari Squall Empty Takari Squall

Post by Takari Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:06 pm

Name: Takari Squall

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Hometown: Conjetti

Appearance(At least a paragraph and include picture): Tall about 6.2 weilds a dark sword and uses dark magic. can teleport using shadows very mysterious and doesnt not trust people easily Takari Squall 264916-leon2_super

Special Characteristics: can make a world of darkness to surround his opponents and and hides in his shadows and waits for the right moment to attack. he can also transform him self to a shadow when he has enough power and is a demon SO DONT PISS HIM OFF

Personality: Angery, untrusting, strong, fast, strategic

Element: Dark

Biography: During the war Takari's parents had to leave to fight Takari later found out that his parents were killed in a battle against the water nation ever since then Takari has been sheltered from the world and full of hatred

Sample RP: Takari was walking when he saw Okane Takari was hasty at first but Okane Convinced him to walk to the Dark nation with Takari's powers in the Dark world he was very useful to this clan and learned to trust Okane more and more

Last edited by Takari on Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:16 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : i needed to do a sample rp)


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-08-15

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