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Antonii Burakku

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Antonii Burakku Empty Antonii Burakku

Post by Anthony Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:54 pm

Name: Antonii Burakku

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Hometown: The Fire Nation

Appearance(At least a paragraph and include picture): (Picture is same as avatar.) Antonii wears a black dress shirt with dress pants and shoes. Also he has white hair and pink eyes.

Special Characteristics: My character has split personalities. Like part of him is the good side of him which tells him what is right to do and while the other side tells him what he needs to do to win the battle.

Personality: Personality: Antonii's personality is very complicated. When hes in battle he gets thoughts of his parents that died from the war and gets enraged with anger. That's what keeps him going in battle. He tells himself that he needs to let go of his parents, but he never seems to let them go. Whenever he is not in heavy combat he is calm and collected. That gives him the ability to think clearly and think things through. Also hes not (For a lack of a better word) a sore loser. Like if he knows hes going to lose the battle he will not go down without a fight.

Element: Fire

Biography: Antonii Burakku was born in the Burn Estate. He was 18 when the war began. He always wondered why it did happened. Antonii was raised by a royal family. His mother and father help ruled the Fire Nation. They were very big in politics. When the war started chaos also followed. Antonii's mother and father were killed. At the age of 18 Antonii had to find out who killed his parent and why. Four years later. Antonii trained with his Master and become strong with the Element Fire. With that he went on his search to avenge his Family.

Sample RP: (You already know how I RP, but I'll put one anyway just to be fair.)

Antonii stepped out into the night. His white suit glimmered in the torch lit streets. It was very humid outside. He began to sweat as he approached the the house. He used his Fire Element to warm his hands to a extreme temperature and burn the lock clean off.

He opened the door a crack and peaked inside. It was a small and narrow hallway. He opened the door all the way and proceeded in.

At the end of the Hallway was another door. Antonii heard voices on the other side. He prayed to himself and burst open the door.

Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-08-16

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