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The New Alliance

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The New Alliance Empty The New Alliance

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:06 am

Kaiyo kept her gaze straight ahead as she walked into the Water Nation castle. Kaiyo hated the fact she had been 'escorted' to the bloody meeting, as if she was here to hurt anyone, she have at least brought her weapons if that were the case. In fact Kaiyo had made a mental note not to bring her weapons for the meeting, showing a sign of trust that apparanately wasn't there.

The small blonde girl flung open the door and sat down, flashing an angry smile as the guards flinched and left the room. 'Yeah, treaty going well so far' she yawned to herself, leaning back in her comfy chair.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by +|Daichi|+ Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:39 am

Daichi came bursting through the doors, no escorts following her. Daichi also had her sword with her, Daichi hated the fact that she was in a frozen tundra, mainly because their was no earth to bend. So she really had no defense, though she carryed around a large gourd on her back filled with sand to bend. Daichi took a seat with a bright smile on her face, after all she was gaining two ally's she was just ever more closer to uniteing the world and stopping the wars for good.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by Cayla Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:26 am

Cayla walked into the throne room, her hair half made and her eyes half open. It was about 7:00 in the morning, and at this time she was usually asleep. She walked into the room, grunted to the guards that had followed her and sat down at the head of the Icy Table. She shivered a bit and stood up again as if she was bitten. Oh my god... this table is freezing... What the hell... She sat down on it again, but slowly. Turning to look at the Fire and Earth people in her throne room she smiled. Hey guys.. wazzup!! She was still drunk from the last night, and she might still be frassed, but she couldn't tell.
Cryo Dragon

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:43 am

Kaiyo glared at Cayla, 'Seriously?'. The blonde girl leapt out of her chair, slamming her fists down on the table, it noticably warming up as she did so, yelling across the table, 'Why the hell did i have to get escorted here and Daichi didn't! And why the hell are you still drunk!'. Kaiyo fell back into her chair, keeping her evil glare on Cayla. 'As for the 'wazzup' i might just end the treaty right now' she mumbled angirly under her breath.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by +|Daichi|+ Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:58 am

Daichi sighed, "Of course it's cold, it's praticly MADE of ice.." Daichi sighed, Cayla seemed a bit tipsy, her normal self would probally be curseing at everyone for wakeing her up. "Damn, shes drunk..." Daichi stared at Kaiyo, her eyes half-open, "Calm down please...." Daichi hated the ice floor, it was slippery and unstable. Daichi grunted a bit and reverted to her calm state, water, fire, and earth, it was a odd combonation. And mixing the three would result in disaster, and Daichi was starting to learn why.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by Cayla Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:03 am

Cayla just smiled at Kaiyo, listening to her rant. Eventually she just sighed and spoke loud enough to ensue silence. Ohh I love it when you yell at me... it makes me so hot. She laughed at her own little joke and clapped her hands together, before bending some of the ice off of the table, turning it into freezing water than splashing it at her face to wake herself up.

Holy hell... what a rush. She looked around for a bit, mildly noticing Kaiyo and Daichi. So what are you two doing here... is it my birthday?.. Oh my god... Did I kill someone? Tell me it wasn't someone I care about.. Cayla looked around a bit nervously, trying to put 2 and 2 together.
Cryo Dragon

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:11 am

Kaiyo could quite literally feel the blood boiling in her body, clenching her fists tightly the girl spoke through gritted teeth. 'We made an alliance.....we're here to talk about it'. Kaiyo leant back in her chair staring up at the ceiling as she questioned her own madness in signing such a treaty. Sighing heavily the girl sat back up, leaning onto the table as she looked between Cayla and Daichi, 'I'm sorry can we please just sort this out so i can leave. The treaty now means at least for the Fire Nation you both have free passage through and from and stuff'.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by +|Daichi|+ Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:15 pm

Daichi groaned, this was going to be long. "No, you didn't kill anyone..." Daichi threw bored glances at Kaiyo and Cayla, "Kaiyo, you don't need to get so mad.." Although Daichi couldn't blame her, talking to a drunk Cayla wasn't very fun. "Relax Kaiyo, you don't need to be so aggrivated.." Daichi said sighing a bit, just getting the two girls to stop attacking each other was hard, she couldn't imagine how hard it would be for them to come to a agreement in a alliance.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by Cayla Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:34 pm

Oh right... The Alliance.. wow... you guys are dedicated.. what time is it anyway? She looked out the window, seeing that the sun had just barely risen. It was crazy, how do people even wake up this early. She sighed and looked back at the two women, and thought for a moment. She was still in her underwear.. she needed to fix that. She spoke to a guard outside the door who promptly ran off to grab her a robe. Turning towards the two she smiled. So... what do you two have in mind.. for this alliance? I'll offer most everything that I have... but... not... uh.. all of it.
Cryo Dragon

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:45 pm

Kaiyo sighed once more, dropping her head straight down onto the table as she spoke, almost laughing, 'I'm really trying not to get agrivated but she's not even dressed'. Kaiyo squinted her eyes shut for a moment, praying it was all a dreamas she sat back up and looked back between the two rulers. 'So, do i sent my troops to help guard your boarders or will it simply be a respond when invaded treaty?' the question seemed simple enough,then again, so did changing clothes in the morning. Kaiyo leant back, fire water earth,a deadly mix to not only opposotion, but themselves apparanately.

A smallsmirk appeared onher face as the girl glanced almost excitedly between the two women, 'So who do we attack first?'

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by +|Daichi|+ Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:52 pm

Daichi gulped for a moment, "I didn't even notice.." Daichi looked under the table only to see Cayla's underwear. Daichi quickly lifted her head back above the table, Cayla slept in alot it seemed. Daichi sighed a bit, "I can offer up a quarter of my machines to you two, also I can loan you millitary and political help if needed. I can loan you recourses too." Daichi groaned, was war all Kaiyo could think of?
"I say we don't attack anyone...We wait for someone to attack us, and then we attack them back." Daichi knew Kaiyo would explode in anger, the fire nation did seem to love war, and denying their access to senseless battle seemed like a stupid thing to do if you wanted to live.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by Cayla Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:59 pm

Cayla smiled as a guard came in with a blue and white arctic seal robe. She slipped it on and sat down on her chair again staring at the two. She closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them up, they weren't the lax powder blue that they were when she came in, they were a cold, piercing Dark Blue. Look... we pissed of the Shadow King... and we left before the meeting was over... so we have no idea what the Wind and Light rulers did... now it's safe to assume.. that they're plotting against us as it is.. and we need to be prepared... I'll stay here in my kingdom.. I'm the fastest on water.. and I can make it to Earth and Fire within a single hour, with enough force to destroy a kingdom...

She sighed a bit, as a dagger of ice formed from her cold breath. The dagger fell and pierced through the table, cracking through it for a moment. The crack spread around the entire table carving and cutting until eventually it formed an ice replica of the World Map. Now look... all the bullshit aside, we're at a disadvantage.. Light and Dark and wind all have super speed traveling techniques... and we have overwhelming power... It'll be Brawn against Agility out there... and I'll be damned if we lose... Understand?

She looked around, a scowl on her face as she imagined losing to those bastards. She was going to win this war if she had to destroy herself to do it. To the guards outside the room, even hearing the conversation it was scary hearing the switch in their commanders tone. She had no idea how it must have felt to the other two rules.
Cryo Dragon

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:16 pm

Kaiyo could hera the material of her wrist support constricting as she clenched her first tightly, staring at the map as she spoke, 'Then why are we waiting to be attacked!' the idea was ridiculous to Kaiyo, sitting back and waiting for impending doom would never save lives. Kaiyo's objections were met with solid glares and commanding tones as the girl moaned as slammedher fistoncemoreon the table.

Kaiyo wanted to win the war, she had to win, but the stubborn fire bender knew the importance of planning, as well as combat. 'And what do we do if they attack the water Nation?' her voice darker this time as she rose from her chair as pointed downat the map. 'The earth Nation is surrounded by light and dark so will likely be their target' Kaiyo paused, despite how impulsive she was, the girl knew tactical knowlede, trunging to Cayla as she spoke, 'But, then we're left in a weaker position if Air chooses to attack the Fire Nation, we could hold them off but we'd need your boarders as well to guard'. Kaiyo's mind raced through her eyes as she studied the map, 'So if and when Light attacks Earth, water invades the Light Nation boarders'.

It was a rough plan, Kaiyo could still find many flaws in the idea but overall it wouldn't kill them all. Waiting to be attacked, the equivelant of waiting for death.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by +|Daichi|+ Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:57 pm

Daichi sighed and layed back in her chair, "It doesn't matter HOW many nations attack the buried city, their is only ONE entrance the the buried city, and only one nation has actually punched through the underground tunnel..." Daichi clinched her teeth slightly, "Now, the opposeing forces have not even made a alliance yet. And waiting for their next move is alot smarter than attacking them." Daichi sighed a bit more, Daichi new about tactics and strategy, but it wasn't her strength. Daichi pressed her finger on a river that lead straight through the dark nation and the light nation, "I can lead a hundred soldiers to this river, if their is any sign of the light nation or the dark nation invadeing these troops will attack their invadeing force." Plus, what would they gain from trying to destroy a nation so early in the game? If anything it would put them in the bad light. Daichi grinned, "So, does anyone else have a idea other than attacking a nation?"

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by Cayla Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:33 pm

Cayla sat their listening to the other two, it was shaping up nicely, but she also had an idea. We could, do this... A pump fake. I send some of my troops to the Earth and Fire nations to help bolster defenses, while one of you sends your best guards here. Now heres where the play is.. One of you stays here, in my guise... and I go out to your nation... So when they attack here, ready to kill Water people.. they won't be expecting Fire or Earth Benders..we crush the attacking forces then we flank them and take out the entire battalion, real easy.. How's that?
Cryo Dragon

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by kaiyo Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:57 pm

Kaiyo glanced up at Daichi, only one nation had ever invaded the Earth nation, and that was fire. The blonde girl looked back down at the map, clenching her fists tightly as they turned white; the very battle that had killed her brother. Kaiyo cleared her throat and looked back up between the two, 'I guess that would work'. Kaiyo leant back, stretching her arms above her head as she yawned quietly, 'So we officially announce to our Nations about the treaty together?'. The Fire nation wasn't in bad shape overall, the war had been going on for a while, but so far each side had pretty much kept to themselves. But announcing to a nation that hated the earth benders that they had come to an alliance wasn't going to be easy, then again, the water nation wasn't going to be so easy either.

Kaiyo shrugged, placed her hands flat on the table as she yawned once more, the small girl had been thrown into several boring meetings that had left her with very little sleep; she figured it was Azula's way of getting back at her. Kaiyo smirked, glancing around the sparkling room as she shivvered quietly to herself. The fire nation was generally a very warm place, so the girl had little tolerance for colder temperatures.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by +|Daichi|+ Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:52 am

Daichi sighed, Cayla and Kaiyo didn't seem too smart, "Cayla you forgot one aspect...This entire city is MADE of ice, their is no earth to bend, and firebenders are weakened here..." The idea wass bright, but the realism of the idea seemed impossible, Daichi smiled brightly, "Ok, so it's official, our nations have formed a alliance." Daichi reverted back to her normal expression. The next move was the most important, to attack, or defend. Daichi glanced at both of the girls, "So, whats our next move?"

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by Cayla Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:23 am

Cayla sat there for a few seconds staring at Daichi. How could she possibly forget that one fact. She sat there feeling like an idiot. Hmm... well I still say we hold the Disguise thing for a rainy day... besides that though... I wanna kill someone.... I say we go after the Wind Nation... Me and Tsumaru have history.. I might be able to talk him down.. and if not... well...It'd be a fun fight.. She smiled a bit as she thought of the time she killed the Wind Emperor, in front of Tsumaru. It was a day she always regretted but still, orders were orders. Yea.... me and Tsumaru.
Cryo Dragon

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by kaiyo Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:16 am

Kaiyo shrugged, 'Wind nation works for me' she called casually over her shoulder as she sat back down in her seat. Kaiyo leant back in the chair, folding a small ball of fire as she began throwing it up in the air catching it again; not bothering to look back to the other leaders as she spoke, 'Well if you both have history, you attack first and we'll be the reinforcements'. Kaiyo laughed lightly to herself, she still wasn't sure why the war had broken out, or what the end result would be; but she didn't plan on squadhing and revenge plans in the process.

Kaiyo cuahgt the ball and sat forwards once more in her chair, 'I'll be sending my Royal guard to each of your nations to keep a regular checkup and make sure we're always informed of military activity and stuff, i hope thats okay'. Despite phrasing Kaiyo wasn't particularly asking for their permission.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by +|Daichi|+ Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:41 am

Daichi groaned, Cayla and Kaiyo seemed like savages, they didn't care who it was, they just wanted to kill someone. "This is why the war started, you need a good reason for attacking a nation, if not then the trust of your civillians will drop. And that could start riots, and eventually terrorists..." Daichi sighed, these two wher impossible.

Daichi raised her eyebrow at Kaiyo, regular checkup? Daichi felt like some sort of kid getting a grade. "Regular checkup? What?" Daichi was confused at the idea, Daichi didn't want anyone pokeing around in her business, especially a loose ally.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by Cayla Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:02 am

Cayla looked at Kaiyo. It was if she didn't trust the two of them, and that hurt Cayla's feelings. She looked at Kaiyo and looked around the room for a moment. No... you won't be sending Check up guards here... We don't need your patrols in our streets... They might melt the whole place.. She laughed and sat up. Looking around the room, she wouldn't mind her new knight being there. She hadn't had a chance to interact with her yet and a meeting would be the best place.

Sighing she got bored and twirled her finger around her hair, using her powers to change it's colors. She went from blue to green to red to black to white and then to Icy blue. She kept it that way because it matched her eyes.
Cryo Dragon

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by kaiyo Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:56 pm

Kaiyo shut her eyes, running her head with her hands for a moment, 'I meant in the sense that by having someone in both nations we could relay massages and contact eachother faster and safer'. Kaiyo dropped her hands onto her lap and looked back up at Daichi and Cayla, the blonde girl frowned at the water witch who'd hurt her head, 'It isn't a matter of trust here as it seems like i'm the only trusting one out of us three' Kaiyo's eyes widenned as she casually pointed between Daichi and Cayla, 'You brought your weapon to a treaty discussion and you had your guards escort me in for some unkown, stupid reason!'. Despite her best efforts kaiyo was really starting to be annoyed, granted she would personally melt this whole damn place to the ground, let alone ordering her troops to, but being encased in a freezing room was really getting to her. The girl pulled her knees up on her chair as she wrapped her arms around them, shivvering silently.

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The New Alliance Empty Re: The New Alliance

Post by +|Daichi|+ Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:21 pm

Daichi sighed, what was she saying? She basicly created this alliance yet she is still struggleing with trusting the other nations, maybe it was just instinct. Years of war had wore down on Daichi, the trust factor being void with every attempt at alliances. Daichi shook her head, "Excuse my rudeness...Years of relentless bloodshed has changed me.." She said quietly, it seemed their was two sides of Daichi, the side that is calm and cool and always striveing for peace, and the side that is rude and inpatient.

Daichi took out a small document and slid it to he center of the table, the document holded a map of the earth nations underground tunnels leading to nearly every nation. Daichi smirked as if the document proved that Daichi was the most well prepared for a assult. "This is a map of the earth nations underground tunnels, they branch off from the main capital and into nearly every nation. their are a total of 28 exits deep within the fire nation territory, their are a total of 10 tunnel exits in the dark nation, most of them on the edge of their borders due to danger. Their is a total of 19 tunnel exits deep within the light nation. The wind nation has eluded us so far though, constant cave-ins prevent us from breaching the wind nations borderlines. And as for the water nation...Well...We can't exactly tunnel through ice.." Daichi chuckled shortly after, Daichi was proud of this advanced tunnel system, and since her workers and fighters could earth bend, they could block tunnels and make them
cave-in, rendering the enemy nations warriors useless. In the tunnels the enemy was absolutely defensless, and since each tunnel was dozens of feet underground their was no escape.

"By showing you this map I have revealed my trumph card, so, I think this should redeem my previous outburst, but, I request that you DONOT take this map into your posession.." Daichi said was a smile on her face, infact, this was mostly a sherade. Her true trumph card was yet to be revealed, though, showing the underground tunneling system was a blow to her nations security, but Daichi felt it was worth it to gain the trust of her so called 'Allies' "Feel free to look at the map. The underground tunnels are completely secure, they are deep underground so their is no escapeing if enemy units are trapped, and since my workers and or fighters can earthbend they can create tunnels faster than any other nation. And, they can close off tunnels, trapping enemies or blocking them off. You may imagine the tunnels to look like small dirt covered tubes, but you'd be quite wrong, actually the tunnels are very spaceish, the floors are made of marble and the walls and ceiling are coated with metal. Their are many collums in the tunnels, supporting the above earth so the tunnel doesn't clloapse. The tunnels are usually 50 feet underground or more, the older tunnels have shops so people can eat and drink. Air holes are made in every tunnel to insure that nobody sufficates. Of course most of the newer tunnels don't have this luxuries. But look at me, I really shouldn't be giveing a speech." Daichi said in a overly-proud tone, Daichi awaited the other two leaders response.

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