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Winds Wrath.

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Winds Wrath. Empty Winds Wrath.

Post by Tsumaru Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:59 pm

Name of Ability:Winds Wrath

Description: A huge barrage of blades that emerge from the wind that Rono forms. The blades are hidden with in the wind kind off like little needles but when the wind reaches the opponent it causes massive damage. He can also shift the movements f the wind with his eyes while they are their silver color while they are that color he is in full state of control with his ability.

Element: Wind

Usage: For me.

Biography: Rono came across this ability when he was training after his father died. He was so angry he continued to train and wouldn't leave the training room. When he ate his butler had to bring him the food and take the plate back out. He didn't let the food go down well enough. He trained for days until he got the tech. right he wanted it to be perfect, "no fault" He continued to yell to himself.

Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-08-14

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