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Leon Elliot ( Light Dragon)

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Leon Elliot ( Light Dragon) Empty Leon Elliot ( Light Dragon)

Post by Leon Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:46 am

Name: Leon Elliot

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hometown: Troy

Appearance(At least a paragraph and include picture): Leon is young guy, he have white tall hair, green bright eyes. He always his tall white coat and brown trousers. He have his Lighting sword on his back.

Special Characteristics: None

Personality: Leon is very kind and friendly , he always help Light Nation people in their problems. A big smile is always there on his face. He got a white heart. But he does not like other Nations because they always want to hurt them.. there is a war between the 6 Nations.. In a battle he transforms from that good guy, to that angry killer..

Element: Light

Biography: Leon was born in a royal family in Light Nation, the war was on that time , he had one brother 1 year older than him. Leon passed his childhood in training to be the next Light Guarian after his father..His brother was jaloues of him because his the next one. Leon was choosen by his family, he was better than his brother; more friendly, more powerful. In the age of 10 Leon was ready, 18 years old, his father died in the war so he took his place. His brother is angry so he started to give informations of his own Nation to the Dark one. But one day, the castle's guardien saw his talking with a Dark Nation man, so he went to tell Leon.. He was disapointed and kicked his brother out of the Nation.

Sample RP: you saw how I rp in other forums..
Light Dragon/Admin

Posts : 19
Join date : 2009-08-14
Age : 33
Location : Light Nation


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