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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:30 am

Daichi walked through the fire nation capital, her tummy grumbleing, craveing something to eat. Daichi had been forced off of the roads by her hunger, although entering a enemy capital seemed stupid, especially if your a opposeing nation leader. But nevertheless Daichi's hunger drove her mad, Daichi wore a dark green cloak in order to hide her nationality. She searched for a place to eat, she searched and searched untill she finally saw a medium sized shack with a banner above the door. It read 'Feed Shack' She rushed towards the tempting building, their was a sign stateing all of the specials. It read 'Chicken Soup: Half off One Pound Of Pork: 25% off, Hot Black Tea: 70% off, Cup Of Noodles: 60% off' And the list went on and on, who could pass up these deals!? She asked herself. Daichi rushed inside nearly drooling, she sat down at a stool near a counter, the owner of the shop turned to her neglecting his cleaning duties. "Woah! Stranger you look like you have been starving! What can I get you?" He seemed shocked at Daichi. She nodded and ordered up some black tea a cup of noodles with a side of pork, overall it took away a fraction of her funds, wasn't much for such a large amount of food. As soon as she was given the food she chowed down, as she finished the owner took the plate and glass and started washing them. Daichi stood up and stretched out her limbs, "Ah! Wonderful! I feel so full!" She exclaimed in joy, she sat back down and ordered up water, it was free, she kept sipping on the water, enjoying her time. "I wonder why people back home hate the fire nation so much...It isn't THAT bad....I mean they said people in the fire nation ate babies...And I just don't see that happening..." She muttered to herself, she always wondered why the wars happened, it wasn't like any of the nations had any real moral problems. She guessed they just fight from stupidity, she sighed a bit as suddenly the owner of the shop turned around, "Excuse me miss? What did you say?" The owner said, Daichi gulped as her eyes widened, 'Oh darn...' she thought to herself, she laughed a bit and took a drink of her water, "Nothing, nothing at all." She said a bit nervous. The owner shrugged it off and rolled his eyes, going back to his duties. Over a few dozen minutes Daichi had drank 8 glasses of water and was still going strong, she smiled a bit as she thought she might stay at the shop for just a bit longer, then she would rent a room for the night. Why did the nations fight?....Who...Or what is behind it all?...

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by kaiyo Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:46 am

Kaiyo strolled into the feed shack, her red headband gently syawing behind her and her chest bandaged tightly. Taking three stab wounds and a bludgeon to the back of her head rally wasn't her biggest issues right now. The entire shak turned to the small injured Fire Princess, Kaiyo sighed for a moment, smiling as she threw up her right hand for a wave. She really just wanted to eat in peace. Kaiyo took a seat next to a woman in a green cloak, 'evening' she smiled. The owner bowed slightly to Kaiyo before she ordered, 'Chicken Ramen please'. Kaiyo was still really annoyed with herself, only recently had she been made Fire Guardian of the Nation and within a day of receiving that title several guards had been killed by the water nation prisoner who quite literally escaped under her nose.

Kaiyo sighed, nodding her thanks for the large bowl or ramen before glancing once more at the woman to her side, 'Hope you don't mind me sitting here' she smiled politely, although Kaiyo had no intention of moving even if they did. Kaiyo shuffled on the stool, wincing slightly as she glanced down at see she was still bleeding. It had been a very long day.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:05 am

Daichi glanced back at the fire warrior, "No, I don't mind.." She said with a smirk on her face, she suddenly slipped on a sleeve and glove to cover up her mechanical right arm, she nearly sighed a bit, 'A damned fire nation warrior, and a high ranked one to add' she thought to herself, it was dangerous being around the armies of the land, if they had heard about the legend or rumor about Daichi's fake arm they would imediatly reongize Daichi. And Daichi didn't want the fire nation's military on her butt, she finished up her glass of water and looked back at the fire warrior, "Oh? It looks like you have a injury...And it looks serious.." She inspected the wound, she then took out a small roll of bandageing and some medacine, she put some of the cleaning medacine onto the bandage and wraped it around the wound, createing a crude bandaid. She hoped her medical attention might have helped the girl, she stood up and turned around walking out of the shack, once she was outside she coughed a bit, "Glad that was over..." She said gasping for air, she started walking down the streets of the town looking for a hotel, her metal arm nearly naked, She hoped the fire warrior didn't follow her. But she was decided being paranoid wasn't the answer, she found a cheap hotel and paid for a night, she went up stairs and into her room, "Second floor, room 201, here it is." She opened the door and walked inside, nothing special, a window, a bed, and some food on a table. Daichi locked her door and took off the cloak exposeing her own purple clothes, and her metal arm, she layed on the bed, she tryed to sleep but kept thinking about that girl. Did she follow her? She didn't know, the constant question annoyed Daichi to no end. The girl probally left to do training or go to bed or something, certainly not follow Daichi. She tossed and turned on the bed trying to find a moment of peace from this question.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by kaiyo Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:19 am

Kaiyo was surprised to say the least, a stranger who would even talk to the fire nation princess, let alone bandage her wound without even asking. Kaiyo had followed her, gently rubbing the back of er neck as she stood silently outside room 201. She didn't even know what she was going to say, let alone why she had followed a complete stranger all the way for a cheap hotel. Kaiyo had never been scared of anything, the girl figured it was one weakness she could live without, and Kaiyo was confident enough in her ability to know she could take anyone in the Fire Nation.

Kaiyo sighed, resting her hands against the door as she dropped her head. Everything was messed up, tomorrow she would go and see Azula. IT had only been about 2 hours since Cayla had escaped, Kaiyo had put the border patrol on full alert but she knew it wouldn't make difference, she was as good as gone. The blonde girl needed to get stronger, and she knew exactly how to do that; it would simply require her leaving the Fire Ntion for a while. Head still down Kaiyo gently tapped on the numbered door. The back of her head was still bleeding quite a lot; and all she had done was tie the red headband tightly around it. Kaiyo felt dizzy, but she figured it was nothing she couldn't handle.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:03 am

Daichi suddenly rolled over so she was faceing the door when she had heard a tapping noise on her door, she had changed into some sleeping clothes, she picked up a large blanket and covered her metal arm hoping to add it, she tied the blanket to her arm then stood up. Such paranoia came from even a tapping sound on the door, she could have just dismissed the noise and fell asleep, avoiding the confrontation. But no, she couldn't, her constant fear of haveing to run all the way back to the earth nation was too much to bare. She HAD to answer the door, she gulped and walked towards the door, she looked through the eyehole in the door. Damnit, it was the same fire warrior, she didn't know this girl was actually a princess, but just some grunt making her daily bread. Daichi turned the door handle and opened the door, her body's features wher revealed all ecxept her right arm, it looked odd, haveing a blanket tied to her right arm, but she could always say she was sleeping and was too lazy to leave the blanket their. No, that was a horrible excuse. Daichi stared at he girl, "...It's you? Why are you here?..." Is all she could come up with, she knew it was a bad choice of words, but she was on the spot and needed to say something to break the ice. She had to kill all of this girls thoughts of suspicion, if she didn't that suspicion could grow larger, and eventually condenmm Daichi a long run. Daichi tryed to act happy, a smile appearing on her face, her eyes drooped a bit as she was tired, the combonation of the two made Daichi's expression look as if she knew the girl was going to follow her. She yawned a bit showing her exhaustion. Daichi wondered why this fire warrior followed her, was it because she left the shack as the girl talked to Daichi? Or was it because she attempted to heal her without permission, maybe this girl was a higher rank than she previously thought, maybe shes royalty. The folks in the shack sure acted strange around her, acting all formal as if she WHER royalty. Daichi was starting to put the puzzle pieces together, she might just have been talking to royalty, which in this case was the worst possible thing that could happen, now, now she REALLY had to kill all of the girls suspicions.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by kaiyo Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:39 am

Kaiyo glanced up and down at the woman, her eyes lingering for a moment longer at her wrapped up arm before she shook her head for a while. 'Right, erm , yeah sorry it is me'. Kaiyo took her hands away from the door and stood up straight, opening her mouth to speak when another citizen walked past her, staring openly at her as the elderfly man bowed his respects before continuing along the hallway. 'Erm, can i come in please?'she smiled weakly. Kaiyo was starting to feel really dizzy.

'But i didn't get a chance to thank you for bandaging me up, and well thanks, not many people would even talk to me'
she giggled, her title often left people running for the hills for some reason. Kaiyo blinked hard as everythign went fuzzy for a moment, 'i didn't get your name either?'

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:58 am

Daichi's theory's about the girl could have been true, a man bowed to this girl, again somebody showed respect to her, she was definatly high class. The girl asked Daichi if she could come in, of course Daichi would say yes, but haveing the fire warrior comeing into her liveing space was scary, this girl could easily assassinate Daichi inside the room, but if the girl didn't know about Daichi's identity Daichi would be safe. Daichi opened up the door wider for the girl to come inside, "Umm yeah, yeah of course." she said a bit nervous. Daichi pulled the girl into the room closeing the door and locking it, she then started walking deeper into the room, luckily their was some fruit and some chicken laid on the table incase the guest was hungry, Daichi sighed a bit, this whole situation wasn't safe. Daichi shook her head a bit, "What? Why would they do that?" Daichi didn't know how people acted around this girl, well she already saw a few samples of respect, but nothing to really scare anyone. Daichi could tell this girl was injured, it had seemed her quick bandaid didn't help, the girls next question nearly made Daichi choke. If Daichi didn't choose her words carefully then this girl could find out who she was, if she said Daichi Megami the girl would definatly realise she was the earth nation leader, Daichi held her metal arm, making sure it was hidden, an alias, that was all she could think of. She had to think up a alias for her name, trying to figure out something on such a short notice was difficult. But since this had alot of value on the line she was able to come up with a name. "My name?...Ummm....Just call me Aoi." She said laughing a bit, Daichi walked towards the the girl, Daichi was taller than the girl, Daichi picked up the girl. This was a stupid and unrational thing to do, but she was going to try to heal the girl better as she knew she was wounded. Daichi layed the girl onto the bed, she then started boiling some hot water and boiling some vegtables and chicken. She then knelt down besides the girl. "Ok, spill the beans, wheres the wound." She said sighing a bit, she didn't plan on performing a treatment on the girl, but talking to her wounded wouldn't help. Although healing her might have been a mistake, she knew she had to do it. Daichi may haven't have been a high-class docter, but she knew some stuff in medical treatments, she thought she could heal whatever the girl had wrong with her.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by kaiyo Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:13 am

Kaiyo's eyes widenned as the girl picked her up, arms in the air in shock Kaiyo simply stared at the woman. 'People tend to act weirdly around the princess who chose to fight for her nation rather than lead it, even though i get to do both really' she giggled. 'Aoi, thats a weird name' Kaiyo looked up at the ceiling, 'You know i could have just walked to the bed'. Kaiyo would have usualy argued back and refused in a defiant manner, had she not been so tired stressed and close to blacking out again. 'I'm fine really' she said slowly, sitting up to reveal the pool of blood that stained the bed sheets from the wound at the back of her head.

Kaiyo couldn't put her finger on it, Aoi was weird, different to most fire nation people. She seemed nervous around Kaiyo as well, a different kind of nervous to most people, 'Your not from around here are you? Are from a colonie or something?' said the princess, still sitting up as she tilted her head at the stranger. What an odd situation Kaiyo was in, she'd followed the woman out of the abr and intruded into her room to get placed on her bead to be healed.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:36 am

Daichi's eyes widened, this girl wasn't just a high ranked soldier, she was a full blown princess, royalty. Daichi sighed a bit as she saw the blood stain, "Well I have never been to the fire nation capital city before....Yeah but that wouldn't have been any fun now would it?.....Oh what a shame, it was a nice bed cover too..." She quickly shrugged it off as she made Kaiyo sit up with her legs straight, she examined the wound on the back of her head closely. It had been a puncture wound, or maybe a impact wound, It seemed like a nasty one, "What the heaven have you been doing?" She said in a curious tone, she didn't know what could make this kind of wound. It was odd for a princess to even HAVE a wound, Daichi wasn't supprised when the girl asked if she was from around here, Daichi had no time to kill the girls suspicions, and now the girl knew. But at least the girl didn't know Daichi was the earth nation ruler, that would be truely horrible. "No...I'm not from around her...You can call me a traveler in a nutshell..." She said as she started healing the wound, rubbing in medacines that would help disinfect the wound and heal it and ease the pain. Daichi sighed a bit, she took out some stiched from her pocket. Daichi then attached a bandage to Kaiyo's head, a small packet of ice on the back of the bandage so that the wound would cool down. Daichi figured it was all she could do for the girl, "But...I can't tell you much more about myself, for your safety and my own safety.." She said to the girl, she then realised this must have been the STUPIDEST thing she had ever said to anyone EVER. She tryed to shrug it off, instead of refering to the girl as a stranger she wanted to know the name of this girl. "But enough about me, whats your name?" As if anyone in the city didn't know, of course asking who she was would be a easy way for the girl to know she is new to the fire nation, but she already knew that, so asking the question was harmless. Daichi stood up from the bed and got a wet rag and scrubbed the blood stain out from the bed sheet, she then dumped the boiled food into two bowls, equally mixed with vegtables and pieces of chicken meat. She then poured the remaining boiled water into two cups and tossed in some herbal remedy's making a black tea, Daichi then set the table, "I don't know of the fancy stuff they feed you at the palace, but if you want, you can spend the night here, if you want to.." The question itself was stupid, but it's diplomatic value was high, if Daichi could gain friendship with this girl, the princess of the fire nation, maybe she would be able to gain a ally through the war, although this process would have to go slow. And move without a nich, she smilled at the girl as she pulled up two wodden chairs to the table. It was midnight, and their was a full moon in the sky, it seemed like a odd time to be eating, but hey, when is their a bad time to eat?

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by kaiyo Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:57 am

Kaiyo winced as Aoi put the medicines on her head and cleaned the wound, it stung like heaven. 'I was thrown into a wall' she said under her breath, as well as being stabbed five times, 'Prisoner escaped'. Kaiyo shot her head forwards as the woman tried to add more disinfectant to the wound, her cheeks blushing red as she muttered in an embarrased manner, 'it hurt'. Kaiyo held the ice pack against her head for a while as she spoke, 'So a Fire Nation civillian who can't tell me about themselves for both of our safety and doesn't know my name' the girl knew there was definately odd, but Kaiyo also knew she was in no fit state to fight with anyone for a while.

Kaiyo sat down at the table, folding her legs on the chair as she smiled weakly, 'I rarely eat at the palace anyway' the girl's extensive training routine had left her eating hours and times differ to that of the palace, and Kaiyo didn't see the point in eating such pretentious food. 'If i could i'd quite like to stay the ngith, i'll erm even pay for the food and sleeping here if you like'. Kaiyo stared down at the food for a moment, her day hadn't gone as well as she'd planned. 'Either way my name is Kaiyo Kaen and i'm the Fire Nation guardian' she smiled. The blonde girl finished her food and leant her elbows on the table, adjusting the collar of her red polo shirt as she spoke in a calm manner, 'So which nation are you from?' she said in a casual manner; the girl was obviously not a threat, or she would have already attacked her, or at the very least not invited her to spend the night.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:04 pm

Daichi stopped rubbing medacine in Kaiyo's wound for a moment, "Thrown into a wall? Heh...Well, it sounds like you have had a rough day..." Daichi hummed to herself a bit, suddenly Kaiyo seemed to reject the medacine, "Oh...Hehe...Sorry about that.." She laughed a bit, even though this girl may have been a princess, or a warrior. She still acted like a child, Daichi laughed, this wasn't good, Kaiyo had been asking too many questions, "Well, hehe, you can't really call me a civillian." She thought it would be something normal to say, she knew many people traveled bwetween the nations. Although, she had gotten many reports of corpses across the roads, bandits? No, this was such a larger scale than just a few dead bodies. These wher thousands of people, her theory was the nations rejected the villagers and killed them. Whether they thought the people wher spy's, or they wher just pests. She didn't know, Daichi quickly finished her meal, why had Kaiyo not eaten at the palace often? What was the reason behind it all? "Y-you don't eat at the palace? But, but your a princess right? And princesses should be treated as such, no? Come to think of it, your doing things a princess shouldn't be doing. But, whatever..." She sighed, it was none of her concern. Daichi stretched her arms, her metal arm still being hid by the blanket. "Nope, no need to pay for anything, you can sleep here and eat the food for free, after all ain't that how a princess should be treated?" Daichi winked at Kaiyo as she let her head fall back, looking up at the ceiling. "Kaiyo eh? Nice name." She yawned a bit, on the outside she was tired and bored, but on the inside she was closely listening to the conversation, playing out every possible scenario that could happen. What nation she was from? The question alone baffled Daichi, she guessed she belonged to the earth nation. But she usually traveled, not bound to nationallity. Daichi re-focused her eyes upon Kaiyo, lifting her head up, "Does it really matter in the end?... Daichi sighed, "It's the nations that caused the war, for what? Power? Money? What...Are they fighting just because they have different flags? I don't know...There fore I try to sevre myself from nationallity. But still, I have bonds to a particular nation that I cannot neglect, the earth nation..." Daichi's little speech should have been more than just a answer, a clue, anyone who had heared about the earth nation ruler's personality would know she hated the war, and would do anything to stop it. But since hse was a fire nation guardian she probally didn't know, it was ecactly 3:00am, Kaiyo and Daichi had been talking for quite some time. Daichi stood up and dragged a little stack of cushions a few feet from a wall, she then moved a chair behind the cushions. Daichi then sat down and rested her feet on the cushions, "It's getting a bit late, you can use the bed if you want.." the blanket barely covered Daichi's metal arm, but she couldn't bother with it when she was so tired, "Goodnight.." Daichi said falling asleep.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by kaiyo Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:14 am

Kaiyo nodded slowly, the woman was already falling asleep, so arguing over beds would seem pointless. Kaiyo stepped over the woman and sat crossed legged on the bed, handings resting on her lap as she spoke quietly, 'I guess you could say i'm not your average princess' Kaiyo paused, looking down at the Earth nation woman, the blanket that had covered her arm so tightly screwed up over her, revealing her metal arm as Kaiyo spoke, 'Goodnight, Daichi'.

Kaiyo gently lay back down on the bed, her eyes open as she stared up at the ceiling. Thinking out loud Kaiyo carried on speaking in a hushed tone, 'So the Earth ruler who doesn't like fighting ended up staying in a hotel with me,'. Kaiyo sat up once more, slowly taking off her headband as she tied is around her wrist. Giggling slightly as she lay back down, 'You should think about getting some long sleeve clothes'. It was really late, and Kaiyo had various jobs to do tomorrow, least of all was seeing her sister. Many Nations didn't enjoy fighting, Kaiyo did, but not in a malicious way, she would fight on even grounds with anyone and wouldn't kill for the hell of it.

'I have to go for a run tomorrow, if your awake come with me'
. Kaiyo didn't see the harm, if anything it would be good to try and build a relationship with the Earth Nation.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:59 pm

Daichi slept through what was left of the night away, she waked up at 6:00am, Daichi started wobbleing in the chair she was sleeping in, the chair fell over, throwing Daichi onto the ground, of course this woke Daichi up quickly. Daichi's eyelids still wanted to close, but Daichi knew today was important, Daichi stood and and looked over at Kaiyo, "Heavy sleeper..." Kaiyo was still asleep, even after Daichi's little crash. Daichi lifted the chair back up and changed into some working clothes, a long black sleep covering her metal arm, and a black gauntlet to cover her metal hand."Well..I should probally go buy some breakfast..." Daichi ran out of the apartment and walked to the market district, she bought a few dozen mixed fruits and a few vegatbles and a few pieces of chicken. Daichi walked back into her apartment room, it had took her a bit of time but she figured Kaiyo would have waked up when she had been back. Daichi stored some of the food in her linen bags and stored them in her backpack. Daichi then started cooking the food, she yawned and scratched her head, "Now i'm even more confused....Why would people hate the fire nation.....Nice folks here...." She sighed, she had hung up a map of the land on one of the walls, she had marked the places she had been too. "I should probally be getting home.." Daichi sighed, she had been enjoying her time at the fire nation, but all good things must come to a end, even though Daichi thought that was a bunch of bull. Daichi then started to figure out what path she was going to take, mercanaries and bandits had been after her often, so each time she traveled she had to take a new path. Although since their wher limited paths she could go on, so eventually she would have to bring escorts along with her. And that would blow her cover entirely, Daichi sighed, what a mess...Daichi had quickly finished the food, she topped it all off with two hot glasses of green tea, even though it was a commoners drink it was one of Daichi's favorite. Daichi set the wooden table and walked to the window in the room, she opened it and looked outside. Such a nice setting it was, Daichi yawned and felt as if she needed more sleep, Daichi had been spending too much time on the roads, she needed to take a break from it all...

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by kaiyo Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:34 pm

Kaiyo mumbled as she srolled over slowly in her sleep. Awaking to the sound of Daichi speaking the blonde girl didn't move, her muffled voice travelling through her pillow as she spoke, 'Yeah the Fire Nation has nice Folks, i work hard on that' she giggled, sitting up slowly as she rubbed her eyes sleepily. 'Sorry, i should have helped with breakfast' she said, her hand over her mouth as she yawned.

Kaiyo stood up and walked over to Daichi, smiling as she did, 'So what is the Earth Nation ruler doing here?'. Kaiyo stretched her arms high above her head, 'If your certain about heading back can i help your journey at all?' the small girl figured it was the least she could do, especially after Daichi healing her head. Kaiyo shrugged her shoulders to get comfy before slowly tying her silk red ribbon back around her forehead, grinning out the window down at the citizens below. Kaiyo disliked war, she enjoyed fighting, but war often stacked up the death tolls too high for little gain.

'My offer for taht run is still open you know'
. At least Kaiyo could see properly, it usually took her a lot longer to wake up.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:21 pm

Daichi laughed a bit turning around to Kaiyo, "Finally awake eh?......It's ok, you didn't need to help." She laughed a bit more scratching the back of her head. Daichi nearly choked, how did Kaiyo find out about Daichi being the earth nation ruler!? Daichi's eyes widened, she sighed a bit and reverted back to a normal expression, "I guess your smarter than I thought..." She sighed, if she had to run away then she would, she knew she should have been more cautious around this girl. Daichi sighed, the girl had the nerve to ask if she could help, she was a fire nation guardian! Kaiyo should have tryed to kill Daichi! "You know who I am though...And so...It isn't very safe around you...." She sighed, she was starting to like Kaiyo, but she was sure that the girl would have turned her in for a higher rank. A run? "A run? Umm....Sure, I guess." It was stupid for Daichi to follow Kaiyo, especially since Kaiyo knew about Daichi being the earth nation ruler. Daichi sighed, but what was the worst that could happen. Well, Daichi had a pretty good idea, but it was enough of the negative attitude. Daichi sat down at the wooden table and quickly ate breakfast, she left Kaiyo's bowl of food for her. Daichi then stood up opening the door to the apartment, "So, what exactly do you have in mind for this, 'run'?" Daichi had no idea, this could have easily been a trap, or maybe Kaiyo was leading Daichi to a quiet area where she could assassinate Daichi, she didn't know. Daichi thought she could defend herself pretty well she thought, and if she was forced to she would use a technique.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by kaiyo Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:38 pm

Kaiyo stared in confusion at Daichi for a moment, she figured she was already asleep when Kaiyo had wroked out who she was last night. Regardless, she had gotten awfully skittish at her suggestion for a run, the blonde girl sighed, turning on her heel as she stepped closer to Daichi, staring up at her as she spoke. 'Safety with me really isn't a problem i promise i won;t try anything stupid my head still hurts from yesterday and i'm not going to try and kill the Earth Nation ruler with an underhand plan.' The girl smiled, deciding she had covered all the bases.

Kaiyo rolled her shoulders backwards and spun her neck round, calling over her shoulder, 'I just hope you can keep up'. Arms pumping steadily at her side Kaiyo jogged down the hallway and out of the hotel. The girl waited for Daichi, running and talking was always more fun anyway. 'And thanks, again, for everything'. Kaiyo was leading the way, still running close to Daichi as she weaved in and out of the market and through the various streets that lead to the national park. 'Anything else i can answer for you?' panting slightly the girl skidded around another corner.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:32 pm

Daichi threw a sarcastic glance at Kaiyo, "This is comeing from the one who could easily turn me in..." Daichi sighed, running was never something she liked, however taking shortcuts was something she DID like. Daichi looked over at the window, it was big enough for her to jump through. "Haha! I can keep up!" Daichi ran out through the window, she looked to her right while in the air, their was a small steel rod that stuck out of the wall, Daichi grabbed the rod and pulled herself up, she then jumped onto the roof. Daichi looked down, Kaiyo had already made it out of the building, "So fast!" She said as she ran towards the edge of the building, Daichi jumped off the edge of the apartment roof and landed on another buildings roof, Daichi could barely see Kaiyo as she weaved through the market district, Daichi could barely see her as the civillians walked around.

Daichi followed Kaiyo, jumping roof to roof catching peoples eyes left and right. "No, theirs nothing I really need." Daichi laughed while she panted, Daichi couldn't say these wher shortcuts, she guessed she didn't have to dodge other people, but haveing to jump from roof to roof didn't help. Daichi finally jumped to the ground, right behind Kaiyo. Daichi was starting to see this as a race, "Your fast! But not fast enough!" Daichi yelled as she forced her legs to move faster, her whole body felt like it was going to cloapse, unimagineable pain running through Daichi's legs. Daichi clinched her teeth as she tryed to bare the pain, she was neck-to-neck with Kaiyo, running as fast as her.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by kaiyo Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:48 pm

Kaiyo glanced to the side as Daichi sped up the girl trying to hide how tired she was as she smirked, 'Fast enough to beat you'. The girl skidded quickly to the left, sliding under two men carrying a table as she leapt back to her feet. Headband flying along behind her Kaiyo glanced over her shoulder to find Daichi.

The girl blinked a few times, a pulsing pain thumping through her head as she sat up, staring at the unfortunately placed oak tree she had ran into. Kaiyo got back up to her feet, wobbling around before her legs gave way and she fell again. The small girl frowned at the tree, quickly pulling her double bladed weapon from her hip as it hurtlelled towards the tree. Kaiyo moaned in pain as she slowly got back up to her feet, putting her weapon back at her hip s she hobbled to the nearest park bench. At least she made it to the park

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:21 pm

Daichi gasped slightly as she watched Kaiyo slide under the table, "Darn!" Daichi wasn't thinking straight, she really wanted to win the race. Daichi summoned up a small rock mound from the surface of the ground, Daichi then stepped onto the rock as she ran, the rock gave her a boost, she jumped off the rock and onto the table the men wher carrying. Daichi then jumped off, she then started running again. She stopped at the park bench Kaiyo was sitting on, she felt sorry for Kaiyo, running into a tree at that kind of speed must have hurt. Daichi took out a small bandage and put it on Kaiyo's forehead, "Hehhe, hey, are you ok?" Daichi giggled a bit.

Daichi looked around, a park? And a pretty big park to add to that. Daichi sat down on the bench, "Hey, where are we?" She asked looking around, had Kaiyo lead Daichi into a trap?

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by kaiyo Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:49 am

Kaiyo nodded her thanks for bandaging her head and leant back on th bench. 'Fire Nation National Park, open to everyone'she smiled; a hint of pride running through her words. Kaiyo had spent almost a year trying to get the park commissioned, it had only recently been finished as well; waterfall added for special effect at the end. The only place in the Nation where people were free to ignore the war. Of course the war hadn't yet hit the Fire Nation, with the world stuck in a stale mate people had been left to sweat it out in the comfort of their homes.

Kaiyo shuffled back on thebench, sitting on the back rest with her feet on the bech itself, 'Yeah i'm fine, i still won though' she smirked. Kaiyo yawned with her head down, lifting her head back up to see a small girl's eyes staring into her own. Kaiyo didn't flinch, 'Morning' she said in a cool manner. The brown haired girl simply moved closer to Kaiyo, her large green eyes locking into her own as she spoke in a confused tone, 'my dad joined your army'. Kaiyo looked down to her feet for a moment before smiling at the girl, 'Well tell me who he is and i promise to make sure he's okay'. The small girl smiled as wider than Kaiyo thought ever possible as he mother appeared behind her, 'Everyone calls him Maki-chan!' she called ove her shoulder, skipping back to her mother. Kaiyo waved goodbye and hoped back off her bench.

'You'll be okay with the bandits and thugs? I had a look at your route and it doesn't look so safe'. Kaiyo stared blankly at Daichi, her tone seemed bored and un-interested. Despite how it may have seemed Kaiyo had been quite anxious to make a treaty with the Earth nation, and attacking their ruler on the way back wouldn't help that situation. Kaiyo also had Azula to deal with later.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:37 pm

Daichi looked around in amusement, "Is that so? Nice place..." Daichi felt at peace in this 'park' she could even hear the birds singing, Daichi laughed a bit "Ya ya, I know you won." She giggled a bit more, she then saw a girl walking up to Kaiyo, Daichi knew she probally shouldn't get involved. Daichi was sort of sad for the girl, her father must have died in a battle. Although if Kaiyo actually knew that, she didn't know, Daichi got up out of the bench with Kaiyo and started following her. "Well, thats ok, I guess I will have to knock some sense into the bandits and thugs." Daichi laughed a bit more. "But umm, i'm sure your very buysy today, and I should probally get going. Goodbye, Kaiyo." Daichi put on the same dark green cloak, as if she was going to go back to the earth nation. Daichi disappeared in a flash, blending in with the crowd. she wanted to follow Kaiyo, she wanted to know if this girl would turn Daichi in. Then when she would leave the capital, Daichi had previously planned to just spend the night at the city, but she had bit off more than she could chew. Daichi followed Kaiyo while staying in the crowd, watching, waiting for Kaiyo to tell someone of Daichi's existance in the fire nation.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:10 am

Kaiyo shrugged, and swatted her wrist in the air as her 'friendly' goodbye gesture. The blonde girl glanced up blankly at the sky for a while. Earth Nation would definately be a good ally to have. 'Back to the day' she mumbled under her breath. Kaiyo sighed gently and set off on a run back to the palace.

The guarding patrol of the Fire Nations defense. Kaiyo was lead along by the leading generals for over two hours as he confirmed that no unwanted guests could get in our out. Kaiyo laughed under her breath at the simple fact that the Earth Nation ruler had snuck in with such ease. Nevertheless, nodding and smiling when needed was all neccessary.

An update with the citizens advisor, the man that told Kaiyo continually that the people of the Fire Nation had no fear and didn't understand the war. Of course Kaiyo knew otherwise, people were starting to become quite anxious of their imopending doom. The real war was only just about to start. Kaiyo made a mental note to adjust the mans position, getting someone who was a bit more 'socially aware'

The final stop, and the last of the day. Kaiyo had a large folder of papers and maps as she walked slowly to the battle plan meeting. She would have to instruct the Nation's generals and tell them the new orders of the war. Kaiyo sighed, paused before she entered as she called loduly over her shoulder, 'I told you earlier, i'm not gunna tell anyone' the girl spun round and smirked, nodding at the roof with Daichi on, 'I thought you were busy anyways'

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally. Empty Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literally.

Post by +|Daichi|+ Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:35 am

Daichi had followed Kaiyo around, it seemed boring, was this all she was going to do? Of course not, Daichi finally saw Kaiyo enter the palace, "Finally, a challenge!" Daichi watched as a fire warrior walked past her into a dark alley way, Daichi smirked and entered the dark alley way. Daichi then pounded one of her feet onto the ground, a chunk of rock floated infront of Daichi, she then punched the rock, sending it flying into the fire warriors head, knocking him out. Daichi then stole the fire warriors clothes as a disguise, Daichi then followed Kaiyo, as she was now infront of the palace Daichi climbed onto the roof, Daichi grinned, security around the place was beyond pathetic. Daichi followed Daichi around, listening to her foot steps. Daichi was lead to the battle plan meeting room, Daichi grinned, this would hold some useful information if she listened to them. Daichi took out a tiny tiny drill and made a small hole to the meeting. She then took out a piece of parchment and pencil, Daichi sighed, she wasn't going to answer Kaiyo, that would give her evidence that Daichi was still around. Kaiyo entered the room. Daichi listened to the war meeting, at the end Daichi had wrote it all down. Daichi then put the notepad and pencil into her uniform, Daichi then jumped off of the roof and ran out of the fire nation's capital. Daichi changed into her normal clothes and had soon crossed the fire nation borders, and into the earth nations borders.

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