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Fire Lord Azula

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Fire Lord Azula Empty Fire Lord Azula

Post by kaiyo Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:13 am

Raven black hair along with an icy gold glare that could slice a mountain in two; Azula sat calmly in her 'throne' as Kaiyo entered the room. 'Long time no see, little sister'. Kaiyo didn't react, her eyes set straight ahead as she stormed forwards towards Azula. The corners of her mouth curled into a smirk as Kaiyo stood motionless in front of Azula, 'Cayla escaped'. Azula leapt quickly out of her chair, glaring down at Kaiyo as she spoke, 'Well i'm sure both know who's fault that was'.

Kaiyo ignored her, turning on the heel of her foot as she strolled over to a seat at the side of the room. 'You do realise your Nation hates you'she said in a calm manner, knowing it would annoy her sister more. Azula threw her arsm back, yelling at Kaiyo, 'Leaders aren't meant to be liked, they're meant to rule! Which is why you will never win this war Kaiyo!'.

Kaiyo shrugged, 'Me? Your the one who has until now refused an alliance with any other nation!' the girl leapt off the chair as she walked closer to Azula, hr tone raised, Kaiyo was trying not to get mad. Azula only stepped closer to Kaiyo, her dark eyes glaring at the girl as she spoke thropugh clenched teeth, 'Until now?!". The blonde girl gently placed her hands on her elder sisters shoulders, 'The fire Nation isn't going to lose this war, and we're in an alliance with the Water and Earth Nations'.

Kaiyo couldn't move fast enough, Azula stepped forwards and, palm flat, and thrust her flaming hand into the girl's chest. A splatter of blood stained the cold marble floor as Kaiyo tumbled backwards. Smiling as she slowly shook her head, glancing down at her bleedng chest as Azula yelled across the room at her. 'I suppose you just forgot what the Earth Nation did! To our brother!'. Kaiyo stood up straight, her smile gone as she glared at Azula, 'I will never forget, or ever forgive who over killed him, but its like you said, Rulers aren't here to be liked. Just to rule'. Turning on her heel Kaiyo stormed out of the room, Azula screaming behind her, 'i'm the Fire Queen Kaiyo!'.

Not bothering to turn around Kaiyo threw up her right hand, flipping Azula off as she called back ,'Well have fun being Queen!'. The doors slammed loudly behind her as she stormed out of Mt. Ember, speaking quietly to herself, 'I'll be the one actually ruling the Nation'

Posts : 68
Join date : 2009-08-14
Age : 30
Location : The 5th level of Hell

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