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~-+-Official Jobs Of The Earth Nation-+-~

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~-+-Official Jobs Of The Earth Nation-+-~ Empty ~-+-Official Jobs Of The Earth Nation-+-~

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:52 pm

These are the available jobs in the earth nation capital city.

Son Of Earth-
Info: The best soldier in all of the earth nation besides Daichi, this veteran of war has seen it all, they are responsible of making sure the ruler of the earth nation does not perish.
Free Spaces: None
Pay: Hundreds of gold coins a week.
Requirements: Must be approved by earth nation ruler, must have at least completed three full threads as a earth nation soldier. Must have no strikes.
Requirements for discharge: Any strikes are given, or evidence of commiting evil acts.

Royal Guard-
Info: The royal guard is a group of three earth knights, they are trained in the arts of combat well and are extremely deadly, their armor is either made of diamond or a nearly unbreakable rock.
Free Spaces: Three
Pay: 25 gold coins a week
Requirements: Must be approved by earth nation ruler. And must have at least finished one whole RP as a earth nation soldier. And must have no strikes on their name.
Requirements for discharge: Any strikes are given, any proof of commiting evil acts.

Info: The generals are hardened war veterans, they know their way around the battle field. These generals are masters at strategy.
Free Spaces: Four
Pay: 3 gold coins a week
Requirements: Must be approved by earth nation ruler. And must have at least finished one whole RP as a earth nation soldier, and must have no strikes on their name.
Requirements for discharge: Any strikes are given.

Field captain-
Info: These are the field commanders, they lead the the troops into battle, they are rare because of their constant deaths.
Free Spaces: Three
Pay: 2 gold pieces a week
Requirements: Must be approved by the earth nation ruler. And must have at least finished one whole RP as a earth nation soldier, and just have no strikes on their name.
Requirements for discharge: Any strikes given.

Info: These are the foot soldiers of the earth nation.
Free Spaces: Unlimited
Pay: 5 silver coins a week
Requirements: Must be approved by earth nation ruler.
Requirements for discharge: 2 strikes are given.

Black Smith-
Info: Repair weapons.
Free Spaces: 5
Pay: 0 - 30 silver coins a week
Requirements: Must be approved by earth nation ruler.
Requirements for discharge: If you are Exile.

Shop Owner-
Info: Sell your goods.
Free Spaces: 10
Pay: 0 - 100 silver coins a week
Requirements: Must be approved by earth nation ruler.
Requirements for discharge: if you are Exile.

I will update it later, pm me fore other job's you want added.

Posts : 73
Join date : 2009-08-14
Age : 27
Location : Earth Nation.

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