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~-+-Official Rules Of The Earth Nation-+-~

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~-+-Official Rules Of The Earth Nation-+-~ Empty ~-+-Official Rules Of The Earth Nation-+-~

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:38 pm

These are the official rules of the earth nation, their is a three strike system, you have three warnings, then you will be either captured or eliminated on the spot. Some offenses may take down more strikes than others, their is no court of law, only pure judgement. One strike is a fine of one gold coin. Second strike is a find of two gold coins. And third strike is fine of 3 gold coins. If you earn one more strike you will be either captured or eliminated. End Of Discussion.

Loitering is against the law, all trash shall be disposed in one of fifty rock cans. Strikes Per Offense: 1

~Public Nudity~
Public Nudity is obscene and disrupts the public peace. Strikes Per Offense: 1

~Breaking and entering~
Entering a building without permission. Strikes Per Offense: 3(One Hit Wonder)

Harrasment, includes whistleing at women and men, includes obscene sexual behaviors. Striked Per Offense: 1

Murder is complete defiance of the earth nation's great monarch. Strikes Per Offense: 3(One Hit Wonder)

Taking a object without permission. Strikes Per Offense: 1

Inflicting physical harm on someone. Strikes Per Offense: 2

A form of gambleing, or a way of making money besides the working process. Strikes Per Offense: 3(One Hit Wonder)

For anymore ideas please pm them to me.

Posts : 73
Join date : 2009-08-14
Age : 27
Location : Earth Nation.

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