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A sneaky Observation

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A sneaky Observation Empty A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:29 am

Kaiyo smirked to herself, wandering the rocky streets of the earth Nation. A green cloak covering her body with her usual attire hidden beneath it Kaiyo looked around the generally empty streets. Gatting into the damn Nation had been hard enough, the basis for entering requered Earth bending. The cunning princess didn't know enough about the Earth Nation, and entering an alliance with them gave her premesis for find out...obviously without telling anyone this. Earth benders don't think of ways around things, they stand solid and defend or attack when needed. Their leader didn't want a war; that much Kaiyo knew, but she wanted to know the citizens opinions as well.

The large resteraunt seemed quite posh, usually a responsibility Kaiyo would shy away from, but the girl had manner; she just found the idea of dancing around a topic to be polite ridiculous. 'Table for one please' she said in a bored tone to the waiter. The girl had since changed clothes, sticking out like a flame in a sea of leaves wasn't so great. Kaiyo strolled in happily, her same black trousers and a green polo switched with her red one, along with a white headband for a change of pace.

'Just get my the house special'she said in more than usual cheerful tone as the waiter came over. Kaiyo leant back in her chair and glanced around the resteraunt.

Last edited by kaiyo on Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:22 am; edited 1 time in total

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:05 am

Various civillians threw glances of curiosity at Kaiyo, Kaiyo seemed to have a odd aura about her. Outside people started to gather and cheer, four men wher carrying a small room-like box, their wher four sides of the large box, each of which wher covered by a thin red cloth, inside was a cushion that Daichi was sitting on. Daichi was heading over to teach a few new recruits the basics of earth bending, at the begining she would bend different mineral materials. Daichi was carrying a small black bag filled with small balls of different earth-based materials, Daichi sighed a bit as she waved to the earth nation members, being the ruler wasn't all that great. Makeing a public appearance was exauhsting, whenever she went outside without a disguise people would storm her.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:21 am

Kaiyo stood up at the sound of cheering, the corners of her lips curving to a grin as she figured out an idea. The girl had already finished her meal, quickly paying Kaiyo rushed out watch the carriage go by. Daichi obviously inside the girl smiled and cheered with the rest of the crowd, gently nudging a man next to her as she spoke, 'Where's she going?'. The man paused, glancing up and down at the girl before he spoke, 'Daichi had agreed to teach the basics of Earthbending to the beginners class' The man tilted his head once more at the small girl, 'Hey, shouldn't you be in school?'. Kaiyo smiled sweetly, 'Yes, sorry'.

The Earth Nationers were nice, they cared for their ruler and would follow her to the depths of the earth to end the war between the nations. The citizensd were friendly and generally happy, obviously they all had their enxietes about the war, but in a peaceful manner.

Obviously Kaiyo had decided to attend the basic earth bending class; she was the same age as some the students there and it didn't take much for her to persuade the teacher she had been a last minute transfer. Kaiyo looked like an Earth nation student, but she really didn't act like one. Fire bending concerntrated on aggresion, of course lightning was a little more complicated than that but in general she still didn't seem so 'calm'. Kaiyo stood in attention with the rest of the beginner earth benders; she figured it wouldn't be a problem, despite the fact she couldn't earth bend....

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:10 am

Most of the people wher shoe-less in the earth nation, as most benders bend better when their actual feet wher touching the ground. Daichi's carriage stopped at a building, Daichi walked inside of the building, her students following. Inside their was a empty room where the floor was removed. So the students had plenty of rocks and dirt to bend, Daichi stood in front of the class and smirked, "I'm glad all of you have shown up today, most people back out at the last minute." She said in sarcasm, but it made sense, joining the millitary wasn't exactly the most senseable thing to do. Daichi breathed in and breathed out slowly, "Ok, the first lesson of earth bending is to feel the ground, feel the earth itself. Be at peace and harmony with your surroundings, most people think the key to earth bending is through forceing the earth to move, they are wrong. To get maximum use out of earth bending you must be at peace." Daichi closed her eyes, breatheing in and out slowly. "Alright class, I want you to start to breathe in and out, feel the ground beneath your feet." The students followed the instructions, "Now spread your legs, close your eyes, feel the core of your body melding with the earth itself." Daichi spread her legs apart and breathed in and out, calming herself. Daichi then rised her right hand, as she did a large rock was torn from the ground, hovering near Daichi's palm. The rest of the class attempted to do this, most enjoying success. Daichi opened her eyes again, "Their are two ways of earth bending, their is a aggresive way, and the defensive way. In the earth nation I promote the defensive style. Mainly because the aggresive style leaves you more vulnerable to attacks, while the defensive style can protect you from nearly all kinds of danger, and it can be used for attack." Daichi grinned resumeing her normal stance, the rock falling to the ground. "Ok, pair up with a partner, I want you and your partner to be a few feet away from each other faceing each other. Then, I want you to lift up a rock and throw it at your partner using bending, then, the opposeing partner must summon a rock wall to protect themselves from the boulder. Oh! I almost forgot, I didn't teach you how to create a rock wall." Daichi giggled a bit and blushed, she wasn't the best teacher in the world, but most students wher greatful for their ruler to teach them. Daichi sighed a bit, "The way to summon a wall of rock is simple, all you have to do is throw your hands up into the air, like if you wher trying to reach something, stretch your body up into the air." Daichi did so, a large wall being created, Daichi then broke the wall, "Ok pair up!" Daichi said clapping her hands twice. The students paired up and started the exercise.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:40 am

Kaiyo had listened intently to Daichi, she knew what she was talking about, and she definately supported the air of calm theory Kaiyo had. The original plan to simply watch and sneak out the back had been foiled so easily as Daichi clapped her hands to getehr and every student turned to their new partner, immediately. Kaiyo smiled weakly at the brute of boy she had been paired with, of course she would be left with the kid who looked like he ate rocks for breakfast.

Kaiyo stared in disbelief for a moment as she stepped a few paces back. What the hell kind of Fire Guardian sneaks into an earthbending class! The idea seeming more ridiculous as she went Kaiyo sighed, she didn't have much choice but to fake an injury. Fake eartherbending....yeah, great idea, and what the hell is wrong with an agressive fighting style!. Waiting until the last moment would be the challenge, trying to make it look realistsic and then resigning to failure just in time to dodge.

The giant kid snarled, stomping his foot on the ground as a chunk of rock flew up, his flat palm shooting it towards Kaiyo. The girl had done everything as instructed, including taking the correct stance and mentality,waiting until the boulder was just a few inchise away before spinning quickly on the ball of her foot, sighing as the rock shot past her body. People stared, a silence falling upon the class as people stared. Why the hell would they stare, it was a perfect dodge!

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:52 am

Daichi's eyes widened a bit in curiosity, all of the students had summoned a rock wall ecxept Kaiyo, Daichi walked over to Kaiyo and bent over looking very closely into Kaiyo's eyes, "I'm sorry but, what is your name young lady?" Daich straighted her back again, why hadn't this girl summoned a wall of rock? Such a odd thing to do, why did she dodge? Daichi stepped backwards a few feet, she raised her hand as a large rock was ripped from the ground. "Girl, you won't get hurt, just raise your two arms up into the air." Daichi hurled the rock towards Kaiyo, making sure she could stop it at any time if she wanted to. Daichi wondered why the girl had dodged, Daichi was sure she explained the technique clearly.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:37 am

Kaiyo looked defeated, she had performed a perfect dodge, and only served to draw attention to herself. The girl was speechless, 'You won't get hurt'. Of course i won't get bloody hurt because i won't let it hit me!. True to form the blonde girl tried to act it out, going through the motions of creating the wall long befopre the boulder reached her, leaving Kaiyo enough time to once more leap over the top of the flying rock; landing gracefully to the ground.

Kaiyo smiled cheekily around the gawping class, 'Yeah i don't think i'm cut out to be an Earth bender' she smiled, trying as hard as possible to be innocent. Kaiyo walked briskly out of the classroom door before anyone could stop her, 'Well that went well' she mumbled to herself.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:52 am

Daichi's eyes widened even more when she saw Kaiyo dodge the boulder. Daichi sighed, "Whatever, I can't stop you." Daichi would have rather catched Kaiyo's name, but she had a entire class to teach. Daichi went through the lesson and soon it was over, the students left for home and Daichi left the building, Daichi walked to a small building near the city temple. Daichi walked inside, their was many carpets and cushions, their was a fountain of water and a small low table with tea on it, this small building was created for Daichi's personal relaxation and friends. Daichi sat down and placed the small back of different minerals on the table and took a drink of tea.

Daichi then emptied the small black bag, four small balls came out. One made of wood. One made of crystal. One made of metal. One made of hard sand. Daichi looked at the sample pieces, Daichi was going to practice earth bending. Daichi placed her had a few feet above the metal ball, it began to hover, the metal ball was easy. She then moved her hand over the crystal ball, it was a bit harder but it began to hover also. Daichi then placed her hand over the sand ball, the ball started to hover. Daichi then placed her hand over the wood ball, it wouldn't move, it seemed bending wood was the hardest of all, Daichi placed both of her hands over the wood and it began to hover. "I need improvement..." Daichi sighed. Daichi wondered about the girl that had quit the lesson, she wondered what her reason was. She knew it wasn't because she couldn't earth bend, it was something else.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:37 am

Kaiyo was still a bit shaken up from her class experience; the blonde girl had been put way too close to being found out. Kaiyo didn't think she was done yet though, following Daichi the girl sat silenty on a roof across from her current location. The fact that she was even trying to bend wood was worrying, more so that she could already do crystal and sand. Kaiyo made another mistake, leaning off the roof of a building.

Kaiyo was failr certain she had bounced, effectively just hurting herself twice as much. Kaiyo scowled at her own clumsyness, the girl was sure she had never had such bad balance in her life. Nevertheless Kaiyo moved quickly, too quickly, a small blaze of fire shooting along the ground after her as she sped down various alleys. Stopping quickly as she leant against the wall, screaming when she fell hadn't been her best move granted; but it wasn't like she had pushed herself in front of the Earth Nationleader and told her who she was.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:23 pm

Daichi looked at Kaiyo, she only got a glance at her as she ran off, a small stream of fire following her feet, Daichi put the small balls back into the black bag and put the black bag in her pocket. Daichi then got up and walked outside, "What the hell?" Daichi followed a trail of ash Kaiyo seemed to left behind as she ran, Daichi followed the trail untill it lead to Kaiyo. Daichi looked at Kaiyo in curiosity, "Ummm.....You know, honestly, your very strange....First you enter my earthbending class and then quit saying you can't earthbend. Then you fell from a roof and infront of me, then you run into the alley ways leaveing behind a trail of ash...." Daichi wanted to know what Kaiyo had been doing, "Whats your name?" Daichi said with a bright smile on her face. Daichi stroked her chin for a few seconds and started to try and solve the puzzle, "Wait....A trail of ash?.....You must be..." Daichi held off at the last second, waiting for Kaiyo's reply.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:35 pm

Kaiyo smiled up at Daichi, figuring she could simply avoid answering all together. 'I gotta tell you i'm impressed, your earth bending skills are a lot better than anyone thinks'. In hindsight it wouldn't have been the best way to avoid answering a question of identity. Kaiyo smiled once more up at Diachi, sighing gently as she scratched her forhead, 'Yeah well, what are we all but strange'she giggled. Gently tapping Daichi's shoulder as she turned to leave. Kaiyo paused as she reached the end of the alley, turning back to Daichi as she spoke, 'I realy can't earthbend' she laughed.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:43 pm

Daichi blushed a bit, "No no no, my earthbending isn't as good as you think it is hehe..." Daichi reverted back to her common sense, Daichi was trying to find out who this girl was, and it seemed the girl was trying to move the conversation to a different subject. "Hey! Where are you going? I want to know your name so I can go talk to your parents." She sighed a bit, this girl must have either been stupid, or not from around the earth nation. Daichi turned around and walked close to Kaiyo, Daichi wondered, if this girl was actually from a different nation this should get her attention. Daichi hugged Kaiyo from behind, "Oh, everyone can earthbend if they try hard enough, I will even give you private lessons if you want." Daichi grinned, this plan was bulletproof! Or at least that was what she thought.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:57 pm

Kaiyo felt her hand shoot to her side, ready to grab her weapon for the attack before she even realised it was a hug. Kaiyo didn't move, what the hell was she meant to do, attacking really would be wrong, but so would hugging back, so instead she just stood motionless. Eventually Kaiyo came back to her senses stuttering unintentionally as she spoke, 't-t-tell my parents?'.

Kaiyo smiled weakly, there was no one in the Earth Nation who would ever turn down a private lesson. Kaiyo decided quickly she could agree to the lesson,then just not show up when it was aranged for, 'I, guess a private lesson might help'she smiled weakly.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:06 pm

Daichi sighed, it was obvious this girl wasn't a member of the earth nation, she was way too weak, not physically, but mentally. Daichi figured she could use this 'Private lesson' as a chance to capture her, "Well of course, 80% of all the earth nation members can earthbend, and the other 20% have deadly sicknesses." Daichi turned around and started walking to the palace, "Meet me at the palace's throne room." She walked back to the palace and ordered for the underground tunnel to be shut down. Daichi grinned and sat down on her rock throne. This girl wasn't about to leave the city, she could have been a spy or a enemy, Daichi sighed, or maybe this was all in her imagination and the girl was innocoent. Daichi adjusted her sitting position on the uncomfortable rock throne, "So either the girl will show up, or she won't, and even if she doesn't I can go find her myself." Daichi new the city like the back of her hand, and if the girl was from a different nation she wouldn't know this city at all. Although Daichi didn't know how long the girl had been in the city, one thing was clear though, this girl was stressing Daichi out. Daichi was always affraid of enemy nation soldiers infiltrateing her city.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:37 pm

Kaiyo glanced down at her feet, she was undeniably screwed. Daichi knew something was wron, it was in tone, in her body language and there was even uncertainty in her eyes. It didn't take long for Kaiyo to find out the underground passage had been sealed, it was offical the girl was trapped in a stone maze and had no idea where to go. Of course she would have to turn up to the training session, pretending to be seriously ill in that 20% would never work though.

Kaiyo sighed, staring up at palace throne room door. Honesty being the best policy, Kaiyo decided she could simply run, getting out of this place wouldn't be too hard. 'Sorry i'm late' she smiled warmly as she walked in. Bowing to Daichi sweetly, 'And thank you for offering to train me'. During the day Kaiyo had found out one obvious difference between herself and the Earth Nationers, they were all so friendly and warm with eachother. Naturally Kaiyo was smiling, trying to be as relaxed as possible as she kept her fscade, pulling off a nervous school girl from the earth Nation quite well.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:41 pm

Daichi grinned, this girl had fallen right into the trap. Daichi had ordered guards to secure all of the exits includeing the windows, just in case the girl tryed to run, the windowed wher covered with thick slabs of rock, and the exits wher reinforced with a suposed 'Unbreakable Stone' two men closed the huge front doors that lead to the throne room. "Girl...You don't need to fake it anymore..." Daichi was sure that this girl wasn't from the earth nation, and if she wasn't from the earth nation then she was a threat, Daichi wanted to find out exactly who this girl was, one way or another.

Daichi saved herself of effort of getting up and out of her throne, "What is your name?" Daichi had asked this question again and again, but never got an answer, it was sort of obvious the girl didn't want her name to be known, but that was common. Daichi lifted up her left arm, a rock wall incaseing the two women in a small room, the two women wher now trapped in a rock room. Although Daichi could destroy the wall at any time using her earthbending, and unless this girl was also a earthbender then she was hopeless. Or at least that was Daichi's deduction, Daichi stood up from her throne and started walking down the large staircase, this girl seemed...Different, not in the physical way, but in the mental way, this girl's mind was not that of a earth nationers mind, it seemed to work different. Daichi could see it in the girl's eyes.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:18 am

Kaiyo still had her head down, smirking as she looked back up at Daichi, 'You know the Earth nation is pretty weird, and i'm sure you think all your people are happy but i think i've figured it out' Kaiyo stepped closer to Daichi, ignoring the fact that she had been encased in a barrier of rock. 'It's odd really, why you all pretend to be happy for the sake of everyone else, i think it works but its definately odd'. Kaiyo smiled, glancing down to her clothes, 'But of course, you all wear a lot of green' she laughed.

Kaiyo blinkeda few times, her expression still bored as she leant casually against the large rock wall at her side, 'My name...call me Daichi' she laughed. Despite appearances, Kaiyo had brought a backup plan, the girl had learnt the hard way they were usually neccesary.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:57 am

Daichi grinned, "The earth nationers don't pretend to be happy...They are happy, and do you know why? It's because they are liveing in the safest place on the planet.." Daichi grinned, this girl was getting on her nerves, Daichi could take most insults, but a insult to her people was crossing the line. Daichi? This girl was insane! "No, tell me your real name.." Daichi sighed, the girl had made a bad mistake.

Daichi reached the end of the stairs, "I'm sure you can bend an element, so I wonder, what is your element? Water? Light? Or maybe perhaps it's fire or darkness. Whatever it is, I intend to find out!" Daichi pounded her right foot onto the ground, summoning up a tower shield sized wall. Daichi knew if the girl was from another nation then she could probally bend a element, and if she could bend a element then she would use it to defend herself, so putting the girl in some kind of danger would make her use the element.

Daichi kicked the rock wall, it flyed towards Kaiyo with deadly speed. Daichi then lifted both of her arms up into the air, dozens of chunks of rocks wher ripped from the ground, Daichi then formed her hands into a fist and punched forward, sending all of the rocks flying towards Kaiyo.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:40 am

Kaiyo laughed some more, she knew she was annoying Daichi, but it was needed. The blonde girl stood up straight, flexing the guard she wore on her right hand, the strongest metal plated the wrist and hand; but Kaiyo knew it would still hurt like hell. Slowly sliding her right foot backwards Kaiyo drew back her right fist, letting out a deep breath as the solid rock wall shot towards her. Kaiyo could feel her knuckles bleeding, the rock had exploded into chunks around her, her guard still in tact but her hand definately worse for wear; not that Kaiyo showed it.

Rock fists, lovely. 'So, is this meant to make me show my element?'. Kaiyo smirked, lunging her body left to right as she dodged the flying fists. Kaiyo still had a way to get out of the rocks, but if Daichi kept attacking her the gil would really have to think of a new plan. Kaiyo sighed a small relief as she rocks colliding with the cage wall behind her, 'And really? the safest place on earth' Kaiyo laughed, the only nation to penetrate this nations underground passage was her own.

'Now can't we just stop all this fighting and talk like civilised people?'

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:00 am

Daichi grinned, it had seemed the girl had been wearing a metal guard, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to punch through the rock wall with her bare hand, Daichi laughed for a few seconds. Daichi could metalbend, "You know I can bend metal, right?" Daichi grinned, this girl couldn't block her attacks forever, eventually she would have to bend her element.

Daichi sprinted towards Kaiyo, as her feet touched the ground it summoned a rock pillar near her feet, Daichi was now close enough to Kaiyo to bend her metal guards. Daichi grabbed ahold of Kaiyo's hands, she knew the girl would try to get rid of Daichi. Hundreds of small rocks incased Daichi's and Kaiyo's arms, makeing sure Daichi could bend the metal, Daichi felt the metal guards and quickly removed them from Kaiyo's hands, the metal being dented and twisted. Daichi then jumped back, a few rock pillars bursting from the ground allowing Daichi to be given some cover.

Daichi sighed, "Yes, the safest place on earth...The only nation ever able to breach the city was the fire nation's army, although I quickly destroyed their attack force with one blow..." Daichi lifted up her right metal arm, it's claws clenching tightly, a rock 2x bigger than Kaiyo was ripped from the ground. "You might not understand, but if you are from another nation you are probally a threat, and knowing your element will give me a better idea of what nation you hail from." Daichi threw her metal arm to her side, the huge boulder being hurled towards Kaiyo.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:23 am

Kaiyo's smile dropped. Her icy glare tunnelling through Daichi as the woman broke her guard, 'And the fire nation prince?' she said coldly; Kaiyo had been far too angry to bother hiding her nation any more. If Daichi had killed her brother, she'd kill her, and tha fact seemed simple and obvious to Kaiyo.

'Yeah, but how many Earth nation troopers lost their lives at the hands of the Fire Nation?' she smirked angrily, it was a low blow, and even Kaiyo felt a pang of guilt after speaking. Kaiyo stood with her feet slightly outside the width of her shoulders, and hands at hersides. She then rapidly brought her feet together and lifted her arms completely above her head as she bent her wrists down. A solid wall of flames shot up from the ground. Kaiyo was knocked back as the boulder collided with the wall. The girl slowly got back up to her feet. Yanking of her twisted metal guard from her hand as the droplets of blood fell silently to the ground.

'So we're trapped in a box, completely sealed off okay. Fire burns up the oxygen in the air you know'
Kaiyo dropped her hands at the side of her body, her hands lighting quickly with a powerful white flame, 'So i use enough fire, and you stop breathing' she said coldy.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:34 am

Daichi jumped back from the wal of fire, "Tsk...So your fire nation....Interesting...And about the prince...Tsk.." Daichi knew she killed him, but telling that to Kaiyo wouldn't have been smart, Daichi grinned, Kaiyo had been talking about burning up all of the oxygen in the room. Daichi laughed, "Oh really?" Daichi points her hands to the rock walls, opening her hands. Daichi created hundreds of tiny holes, makeing sure their was a constant supply of oxygen.

"Well, looks like I just solved that problem!" Daichi felt slightly guilty about killing the fire prince, but she was ordered, she had no choice. Daichi suddenly let her guard down, she didn't really want to fight, but knowing that this person was from the fire nation made her blood boil. The fire nation took away her right arm, Daichi clenched her right metal claw, it started to glow red with heat.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:04 am

Kaiyo didn't move, Daichi was really starting to get steamed up, always a good sign. The air holes helped as well, at least for the girl's escape plan; but that was a long shot, and with any luck a way off yet. 'So, Daichi' she smiled politely, 'is it custom for Earth nation warriors to give up half way through a fight, or is that just when they want to lose an arm?'. 'Plan so far, get Daichi really annoyed then use it to your advantage, check'. The Earth nation ruler still didn't know who she was, she just knew she was from the fire nation, she didn't even know why Kaiyo had come.

Kaiyo smirked, taking a solid stance as she did a roundhouse kick with her leg, sending and arch of fire shooting towards Daichi, just as she let her guard down. 'That was for breaking my guard' she said coldly. So far Kaiyo had been using slightly advanced ire bending, but nothing that would give her away as of yet. The blonde girl yawned into her hand, slightly shocked that it was sill bleeding as she wrapped ehr headband around it. 'Also, Dai, do you mind if i call you Dai? Anyway, not sure if its just you here but i need to check, does every earth bender pretend to be calm and cool but is really hot headed like yourself?'.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:08 pm

Daichi breathed in slowly and breathes out slowly, she closed her eyes. When Daichi is emotional her earthbending is weakened or sometimes entirely blocked, Daichi usually is forced to stay calm or risk loseing her earthbending. Daichi grinned, "No...It's just, anger doesn't suit me..." Daichi said smirking a bit, Daichi summoned up a rock wall, blocking the wave of fire. Although the wave of fire nearly burned right through the rock wall, this wasn't a basic move, this girl was taught in a advanced class. Daichi grinned, "You can't see any nation as a whole, blameing a particular nation for something a random soldier did to you is unrational." Daichi had calmed herself down, Daichi summoned dozens of small strong rock pillars around Kaiyo, acting as a prison cell. "So tell me, who are you, and why did you come here." Daichi was set on gaining all the information she could out of this girl, whatever it took.

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Join date : 2009-08-14
Age : 27
Location : Earth Nation.

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A sneaky Observation Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:15 pm

Kaiyo sighed slightly, stepping back casually as the rock bars shot up and formed a prison cell around her, 'Now that's just plain rude' she smirked. Kaiyo clenched her left fist, her headband tied around it had lessened the bleeding at least, for now. The blonde girl glanced back up at the Earth nation ruler, the woman wasn't someone to mess with, then again, neither was Kaiyo. 'Oh i came for sights, i'm a real one for the mud and smell of soil' she laughed. 'But don't you think your being a persistent here, i promise you my business is almost irrelevant to you' Kaiyo smiled evilly, of course Daichi would want to know. Kaiyo just wanted to see how determined she could be.

Posts : 68
Join date : 2009-08-14
Age : 31
Location : The 5th level of Hell

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