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A sneaky Observation

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A sneaky Observation - Page 2 Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by +|Daichi|+ Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:53 am

Daichi smirked, reverting back to her calm personality, "Rude? It's rude to sneak into my capital city without warning me first..." She said in a troubled tone, Daichi tryed to calm herself down. Daichi never liked the fire nation, it may have been because of their stereotype of burning down everything and killing everyone, or maybe it was because the fire nation's soldiers took her right arm away from her. Nevertheless, Daichi tryed to keep her cool, if she didn't she risked loseing her skill with earthbedning. Daichi's calm expression was challenged at Kaiyo's answer, Daichi's small grin was soon replaced with a slight frown, "Heh..You won't aggrivate me, no matter what you say..." Daichi said. Daichi laughed, "Persistent? Hahahaha! Are you hearing yourself?!....Wher in a freaking war don't you know!? For the love of god! I could kill you right now and my nation would thank me!" Daichi fell to the floor laughing, she held her ribs in pain, after a few minutes of high pitched laughing Daichi stood back up. Daichi wiped a tear out of her eye and carried on, "Young lady, it's very much my business if your in my main capital!..Why, you could be sabotageing the entire palace for all I know!..." Daichi sighed, this fire nation girl wasn't very good at persuadeing people...Daichi scratched her chin, 'Now....What to do with this girl...I can't just let her go now can I...And my morals conflict in killing her...So..... Daichi sighed, "I don't know what to do with you..."

Posts : 73
Join date : 2009-08-14
Age : 27
Location : Earth Nation.

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A sneaky Observation - Page 2 Empty Re: A sneaky Observation

Post by kaiyo Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:10 pm

Kaiyo slipped her hands between the rock bars around her and craned her neck to the side as she watched the earth nation ruler nearly wet herself with laughter. She smirked, 'well it wouldn't be very sneaky of me if i warned you first now would it?'. Kaiyo couldn't help smiling, granted she was temporarily trapped behind very hard bars in a sealed off room with an angry earth bender, but said earthbender was starting to become quite an amusement to the 'young lady'. Kaiyo clicked her fingers, a small flame lighting from her hand as she sighed in time with Daichi. 'Well i had a vague idea we were at a war but really nobody had confirmed it for me. But i do quite like the idea of you trying to kill me, it would be fun to watch' she goaded the leader once more.

'Are you sure i couldn't annoy you a little bit more?' she smirked. A boredom hit Kaiyo's eyes as they became slightly dulled, a glazed over look spreading across her face. Kaiyo leant back against her earth cage, resting her hands at the back of her head, seemingly ignoring her wound. She spoke, her voice a darker, more serious tone, 'Well as much as i'd like to share my sabotaging mission with you i'm under strict orders to get home, so either you let me out, or i break out?'. Kaiyo smiled inwardly, mentioning being under orders was a careful use of words, she still didn't really want Daichi knowing who she was dealing with.

Posts : 68
Join date : 2009-08-14
Age : 31
Location : The 5th level of Hell

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