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Akahana Suzuki

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Akahana Suzuki Empty Akahana Suzuki

Post by akahana Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:36 am

Name:Akahana Suzuki

Age: 16

Gender: female

Rank: Hydra Knight

Hometown: water nation

Appearance:Akahana has dark colored hair between black and blue. Her long hair reaches her hips and usually wears it tied back with a maroon colored satin ribbon. Akahana has light skin and golden eyes. She is 4 ft 11 in. She wears a very light pink, almost white silk dress that reaches her knees. Evn though she eats uncontrollably she has a slender figure.

Special Characteristics:Even though Akahana is usually hyper she turns into a shy and soft spoken girl when she's around people she doesn't know.

Personality: Akahana has an upbeat personality and is always full of energy.

Element: water

Biography: Akahana lived with her father her whole life. Her mother died when she was 5 while she was picking Akahana up from school. Akahana fell into a river and her mom jumped in to save her. Her mother put her back on the cement but a tide came and dragged her mother with it. Akahana went running to her father and told him what had happened. He immediatly went to search for her but when he found her it was already too late. Her father always blamed Akahana for her death making him strict and bitter. She tried her hardest to stay away from home not wanting to be near her father who kept tormenting her. She found a small lake in the middle of a meadow and decided that was her new hiding spot. On a sunny day Akahana put her hand in the water and gently swayed it back and forth. She took her hand out and the water followed her hand. She started to move her hand in different dorectios and noticed the water followed. She dicided not to tell anyone about this. Soon aftershe discovered her powers her father fell ill and died. She felt sad dispite ahow cruel he was towards her. 3 years later Akahana learned how to control water perfectly. She was proud of herself and was sure her parents were too.

Sample RP: Akahana got out of bed then got a change of clothes that was on top of her night stand. She went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and when she got out she started making toast. After eating it all she made herself some pancakes then after that she made waffles. Then she made sausages and ate a bowl of yogurt. After that she made baccon and drank a gallon of milk. " Breakfast is now finished ". she giggled and went out the door.

Posts : 10
Join date : 2009-08-20
Age : 30
Location : rainbow road

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Akahana Suzuki Empty Re: Akahana Suzuki

Post by Cayla Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:58 am

Approved. Welcome to the game.
Cryo Dragon

Posts : 36
Join date : 2009-08-14

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