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Some extra research(Akahana please)

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Some extra research(Akahana please) Empty Some extra research(Akahana please)

Post by kaiyo Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:04 pm

Kaiyo smirked at her own genius for reaching the city centre of the Water nation. Granted she was now literally in the lions den, surrounded by the various able water nation soldiers, but she felt her trip necessary. If Kaiyo was entering into a treaty with the water nation, she had to at least try and get to know the people better. The blonde girl had in her usual manner borrowed some water nation clothes, in a vain attempt to blend in.

Kaiyo wandered around for almost an hour before finally finding what she was looking for, a bar occupied mostly by the water nation soldiers. The blonde girl entered the bar and smiled at the soldiers, taking a seat at the bar. Mannerisms between the different nations were almost comical, Kaiyo looked like a water nation citizen, but she didn't act like one.

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Some extra research(Akahana please) Empty Re: Some extra research(Akahana please)

Post by akahana Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:13 pm

((ooc:sowy for not noticing sooner eli Sad ))

Akahana had finished everything she needed to do that day. She decided to hide before someone dumped more work on her. What she hated the most to do was paperwork. She shivered by just the thought of a stack of papers needing her signature. Akahana wandered around to find a place to spend some time. She had been so busy lately she didn't have time to herself. She entered the bar and looked around for a moment. She spotted an unfamiliar face and was intrigued but confused at the same time. She dicided to approach the new comer.Is that a boy or a girl?I'm so bad at telling genders.Akahana lightly tapped on his or her shoulder. "Um.. it's just that um..I wanted to say hi."

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Some extra research(Akahana please) Empty Re: Some extra research(Akahana please)

Post by kaiyo Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:39 pm

((OOC: its all good Eme, really it's fine Very Happy))

Kaiyo felt her heart skip a beat, slowly and carefully turning around the girl tried her best to smile politely. Water nation soldier, the girl was definately a water nation soldier. Kaiyo's eyes slowly traced up and down the woman, she was in this bar and by her physique she could tell, she wasn't someone to take so lightly. The girl was still analysing her possible new opponent before her eyes finally locked with Akahana's. Noticing almost immediately she hadn't yet replied Kaiyo smiled, 'Oh hi, are you another brave water nation soldier then?'.

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Join date : 2009-08-14
Age : 30
Location : The 5th level of Hell

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Some extra research(Akahana please) Empty Re: Some extra research(Akahana please)

Post by akahana Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:39 pm

Akahana quietly laughed. "I guess you can say that." She found it strange that she had never seen that girl before. "How come i've never seen you before, have you been hiding?" She took a seat next to her and calmly smiled. There's something different about her , i'm not sure what though. She couldn't help but stare at her. Akahana leaned on her chair and giggled.

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Age : 30
Location : rainbow road

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Some extra research(Akahana please) Empty Re: Some extra research(Akahana please)

Post by kaiyo Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:05 am

Kaiyo nodded, trying to make it almost a joke as she spoke, 'Yeah, i was hiding, sorry miss' she giggled. Kaiyo wasn't sure but she figured by adding miss onto the end it would add the right amount of respect the soldiers usually got from the citizens. Shuffling nervously in her seat she stared at her feet for a moment, desperately trying to think of something to say. Still talking down at her feet, before making eye contact half way through she began in a friendly tone, 'So what's our nation planning so far in the war?' she smiled.

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Join date : 2009-08-14
Age : 30
Location : The 5th level of Hell

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