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Water Nation Army Ranks

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Water Nation Army Ranks Empty Water Nation Army Ranks

Post by Cayla Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:12 pm

Soldier: Basic Rank (Infantry)

Assassin: One of the people the Cryo Dragon respects most, being an Assassin her self. (2nd Rank)

Guard: Someone who stays in the country and defends the home base. More advanced than Soldiers but nothing more. (2nd Rank)

Torrent: Strong arms of the military, focusing on High power offensive attacks. (2nd Rank)

Dragon: One of the most powerful members of the military, usually leading entire batallions of soldiers at a time. (3rd Rank)

Councilman: One of the most brilliant minds of the Military, staying home and running the Country. (3rd Rank)

Royal Guard: High Ranking Guards who protect the Cryo Dragon and her Knight, hand chosen by the Councilman and the Hydra Knight. (3rd Rank)

Hydra Knight: The Apprentice to the Cryo Dragon, the Knight and her best Soldier. (Chosen by the Cryo Dragon)

Cryo Dragon: The Leader of the Water Nation, 1 at a time.

The 2nd and 3rd rank things are positions on a ladder tree. Every soldier must start out at soldier and work their way up. When it is time for promotion, you can choose any of the 2nd ranks. When it is time for promotion once more, you can choose any of the 3rd ranks and so on and so forth.
Cryo Dragon

Posts : 36
Join date : 2009-08-14

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